HL2.net Episode 3 Summary - What we know so far


May 6, 2005
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I have written (with the editing skills of Glenn) a brief piece talking about what we currently know about Episode 3 and what I expect to see in it.

There is nothing new in this piece, it is merely an interesting summery of all that we know or think we know so far.

Read it here.

Or read the undedited, slightly less organised piece on blog.
Pretty good :D

Nice job :thumbs:
Glad you enjoyed it, something to think about while we wait and for those who are not sure where we are headed. :)
Thanks for that. A very interesting read.

Spotted a couple grammatical errors.
From what we have seen from Portal and the previous Episode?s the Borealis...

...earlier concept art from PC Gamer US shows further Advisor?s around the Borealis.
Some apostrophes where there shouldn't be any.

...then why haven?t we heard about it since now?
Should probably be "until now".

...the same message he have to Eli back in Black Mesa...
Should be "gave".

And er, possibly capitalise the words "combine" and "earth" in the second last paragraph? Yeah, I know, I'm being nitpicky. /runs
That's cool, but there're a lot of problems. There's incorrect use of apostrophes, like Fishbulb pointed out, but there're also some really clumsy phrases and at one point it changes into first person, which is really weird.
Blame writing that at 1am in the morning and just passing it over to Glenn without proofing it =[
Tiny mistakes mate, not worth writing home about! The capitalisation was my fault though, I wrote that paragraph. I've fixed all those issues pointed out above, thanks Fishy.
That's cool, but there're a lot of problems. There's incorrect use of apostrophes, like Fishbulb pointed out, but there're also some really clumsy phrases and at one point it changes into first person, which is really weird.
Well, well, well! Sorry to ruin your day like that KA :(
Blame writing that at 1am in the morning and just passing it over to Glenn without proofing it =[
Nah, it's a nice little summary of everything we know, just needed a little cleaning up. Isn't that Glenn's job anyway? :p
It was a lot worse before hand :p And edited at 1am similarly. I'll take the blame though :(
I'll take the blame for not proofing before passing it to Glenn :p

If I had proofed the errors myself the mistakes with the apostrophies would still be there. I'm shit with them at times :(
Oh yeah, apostrophes get me too. Always gotta mentally un-contraction them to see if they make sense.
Well sorry for expecting that something on a Half Life 2 site by people that get paid massive amounts of money to moderate the site would actually be grammatically correct!

But seriously, it's no big deal. :D
Consider the context for the love of god! 1 am, not the best time for writing =[

Chuck Norris wouldn't have had a problem with that.
Pretty good summary. Basically "no one's sure of anything except that it'll be cold" but still better than anything I could do.
i cannot wait for some more concrete information on this... valve is way too good at being mysterious
Here Are my prodictions. I think that Alyx will finaly admit to gordon that she loves him and they will finally kiss. She will be more agressiv and rip a advisor to pieces with her bear hands XD
Here Are my prodictions. I think that Alyx will finaly admit to gordon that she loves him and they will finally kiss. She will be more agressiv and rip a advisor to pieces with her bear hands XD

Haha so nice idea...
Here Are my prodictions. I think that Alyx will finaly admit to gordon that she loves him and they will finally kiss. She will be more agressiv and rip a advisor to pieces with her bear hands XD

If this happens, I will kill myself.
I won't. I'll laugh because I'll know Gabe's reign of terror has been finally been toppled by the man only known by username 'martin518441'.
The sight of it would be funny. Who knew that all this time Alyx was half bear and had bear paws?!
How did Dr. Mossman get so quickly from City 17 at the end of HL2 to the Borealis in EP1?
Very nice speculations! I can't wait to find out what happens. Episode two ended on such a cliffhanger.
Here Are my prodictions. I think that Alyx will finaly admit to gordon that she loves him and they will finally kiss.

The destruction of the field thingy that was making humans unable to procreate seems to be having an effect on Alyx. That, combined with the fact that she's a virgin, makes me think that she's just crushing on Freeman because she's saved her life a few times, and she's never been attracted to anyone before.

Freeman's not exactly attractive. That, and he never speaks. Hell, he's me with a cool suit and guns, and you don't see woman throwing themselves at ME!!! :E

She will be more agressiv and rip a advisor to pieces with her bear hands XD

...Who, Alyx and DOG's love child? :upstare:
Seems interesting, but I must say that g-man might be the final boss you'll be fighting :p. How can it end with him still alive?
The boss fights in Half-Life were really really boring so I don't think I would want any in ep.3
Yep, it is boring. But I guess it would suck if a final episode of the game you don't get to fight a boss. I hope Valve change their mind. o_o
I thought that after episode 3 they will be still doing half life games? Didnt they do these 3 episodes so we have something to play while we wait for half life 3, which hopefully may come out in 2010