HL2.net Interview with Insurgency


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat (now available on Steam) has received the Player's Choice 2007 Mod of the Year award from ModDB, as well as the "Best Source Mod of 2007" Gold Award from Steamfriends.?With all the success they have had the team is hard at work on Beta 2 and Beta 3.[br]Spielmann, leader of the mod needed a break from all the work to spend some time promoting the popular mod.?We even got a quick interview along with some exclusive screen shots for you to take a look at.?Beta 2 expected in August has some awesome improvements including: bug fixes, visual updates, map updates, audio updates & new features
We at Insurgency Team believe that the community has every reason to be excited about this update. This is a major milestone in the development of the mod that will address an extensive list of long-overdue bugs and that takes into account valuable suggestions from our community. This is not a small patch or a minor content upgrade like the ones we have released through Steam in the past. We really wanted to make sure Insurgency 2.x will be updated to a point where it can be fully enjoyed by everybody without the need of much intervention from our side so that we can concentrate all efforts in the development of the next major version. Because of the outstanding expansion of INS as a competitive multiplayer game in the past year, we were able to gather outstanding feedback that has helped us add extra functionality and improve its gameplay, making it a better game in every respect.
The Insurgency team have already started work on porting their mod over to the Orange Box engine with countless new features. You can read about this development in our interview and see the new media below.[br]

[br]For the time being, see the end of our interview article for a full changelist of the upcoming August Upgrade for the current verison of Insurgency on Steam. Below are a few videos showcasing some of the new features & updates:
This is such a great mod, interview is awesome and can't wait for Beta 3
What ever happened to Sourceforts.
Many thanks to Team Insurgency for showing us some of the work they've been up to and to Spielmann for answering our questions.

The new features and content coming for Beta 3 is really exciting news. I love the dedication behind this team to keep improving and building upon a really great looking mod. It plays much better than AA3 in my opinion.
Many thanks to Team Insurgency for showing us some of the work they've been up to and to Spielmann for answering our questions.

The new features and content coming for Beta 3 is really exciting news. I love the dedication behind this team to keep improving and building upon a really great looking mod. It plays much better than AA3 in my opinion.
Couldn't have said it better myself. :E It's rather ironic that a government funded project to gain members to the American Army produce an inferior game. Meanwhile a bunch of mod makers are making a game for free and on their own time and is better than America's Army.
I can only say I support this mod and I would love to watch it become bigger every day ;)
viva ins!

Wow... regular updates? Hardly. Solidifying the community? They have done nothing but alienate it.

They are finally listening to what I told them well over a year ago, except at that time, they rejected any idea of refining the current Source version and wanted to concentrate solely on Beta 3. They labeled the former Project Director (me) crazy and banned him, to this day, from the community he established.

If it wasn't for the fine efforts of Louti and Splinter and others who are giving the code and content a boost, the mod was on the brink of death. There has hardly been dedication from the 'leadership' towards the project or fans, but only themselves as they latch onto the success of a mod that launched so many careers for the talented developers before them. Except they have barely done anything for it.

Until now... bravo! Glad to see you have finally come around to the idea of improving the mod, Pablo. It's about ****ing time.

I'm also glad to see the ideas and feedback that I proposed well over a year ago finally coming through into the upcoming release. Not because they are 'my ideas' because obviously you chose not to listen, and discovered them for yourselves... I'm glad because the players finally get the mod fixed.

Too bad it took a near-loss of control for you to finally wake up and smell the cordite.

Release date for patch?

Too bad it took a near-loss of control for you to finally wake up and smell the cordite.

Release date for patch?

They just needed their slave programmer to get back :upstare:.

Now seriously, you're trying to alienate the community and our work, quit the polemic.

I can only say I support this mod and I would love to watch it become bigger every day ;)

Thanks everyone for your support, we're very near the final tests and I smell like an update incoming very soon :)
I find the above posts by Louti and Dr.Speilmann to be very interesting.

Dr.Speilmann does 'dress down' community members quite often in their forums. It isn't exactly a friendly environment when you talk about the mod they are making unless you are praising what has been done. Even comparing the mod to other mods, not even in terms of gameplay but in terms of releases etc. threads get locked quite often.

The best part is that when threads give active criticism that gains support and brainstorming (the community giving active feedback) they disappear into a forum accessible by only developers. They show a poor attitude. One developer, Endless, even broached the subject of banning a long time forum member over a political dispute. He continues to show how little class he has whenever interacting with the community.

Anyways. I bring up the subject of it being interesting because I see Dr.Spielmann use the term polemic quite often in his posts on the INS forums. I have never seen Louti use it.

I don't doubt that there is some kind of a rule here about creating multiple accounts for one user. Just another tactless example of who is in charge of the mod now.

-INS player and forum user since 2005.
It looks like your Style Argyll :)

No man, you can trace down the IPs, mine will come from France ( to help you ) and Dr. Spielmann one will come from Germany.

And I already used that expression, you just need to read my posts in the forums of insmod.org

That attack was poorly made.

:sniper: :bounce:
How professional Pablo. This is a public forum, might I remind you. You wouldn't allow me to post in the comfort of 'your' own community, so you can't really hold me responsible that this dispute has spread elsewhere. You should check your e-mail more often.

Louti, I have nothing against you. I actually hold you in high regard. I would never cross my developers, especially the most vital position in programming. I praise your fine efforts in actually progressing this mod.

My style? There is plenty of evidence, on this very forum (since 2003), and even on the INS boards if you had kept my posts, of my actual 'style' - professionalism, dedication, and passion for this project. It is a shame that you know me as some impassioned crazy-person as the 'leadership' have since labeled me in an effort to prevent anyone from viewing me as actually knowing what I'm talking about when it comes to these things. I have not changed from the professionalism, dedication, and passion for the project. It is only a matter of perspective.

It is the naive and inexperienced decisions made by those above you that have destroyed what this mod could have been. Only now, two years later, do they realize the obvious. That is quite sad.

Making a mod is like running a marathon.

You spend YEARS of your life dedicated to training, gaining experience. But in a mod, you still spend YEARS developing and applying what you have learned. Once you cross that finish line... (i.e. release to the public) it becomes far easier to do short sprints (i.e. release often, at shorter time intervals).

Unfortunately it was not the current team that spent those years conditioning to run the marathon... they just assumed that they could do it. Only now are they trying to bring the finish line closer to them, but they had to turn around and find it because they went around it (yet, not through it) years ago.

I was standing right beside the finish line ready to coach them across it. But they chose to ignore me and ran down the wrong route.
Hi Folks !

We've been hard working a lot ! We're almost done coding wise for the next update. We're conducting the latest test on what we've worked on. So far we fixed a few bugs, namely :

* Now you can see tracers when other players fire with the LMGs
* Your foot won't get out of walls anymore when proned
* Added a temporary sound when grenades bounce. We'll work more later on it so they can have proper colliding sound for each materials.
* Fixed vocal commands. Now everybody will hear them
* We fixed DX Level to 8 minimum
* Fixed cl_updaterate to 33 minimum
* Tweaked footstep sounds (velocity and volume)
* You can't sprint and shoot with the m203 anymore.
* You can't fire some m203 grenades through wall anymore.

I setup a linux box aswell, that's one of the worst part of each release. But I got Insurgency compiling on it and we'll test the binary soon.

Thanks for your support !

From one of your forum posts louti. Interesting change log for a mod that has been out for as long as it has.

Anyways, I searched through your posts and didn't find a single example of polemic. I only looked at the last 150 in the public forums though. Sorry to be such a stickler on details.
Enough mod community spillover drama. Take it to PMs or email or whatever if you want to bicker like children. I've always liked Argyll, I've been playing INS since the first public release, and I have no particular reason to dislike the current team (on the contrary, hi Louti!) but this is all pretty fscking stupid.