HL2.net mentioned on Meqon site


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yep, you heard right. A popular physics engine, Meqon, has a link to a HL2.net thread (Rather old) under this heading:

"Our demos are more popular then ever! If you are interested in what others think about them just have a look at these [threads]"

Here is the link: http://meqon.com/downloadarea/downloadarea.php

I know, it's not anything big or anything, and I don't know how long it's been up there.. But whatever.. I thought it was neat.
I believe it has been up for quite some time.

Remember someone posting about it. :)
The Thing said:
I believe it has been up for quite some time.

Remember someone posting about it. :)
Well I did a search and found nothing about it... Oh well...
We're currently on the SteamPowered.com news page :)
Pity that Meqon have just had their site hacked.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Pity that Meqon have just had their site hacked.

More like attacked by a script kiddie who thinks he's cool because he can commit an act of "leetness" (read: stupidity) and get away with it, although I am little more than a newbie, so don't listen to me.
engineer said:
More like attacked by a script kiddie who thinks he's cool because he can commit an act of "leetness" (read: stupidity) and get away with it
That's what he said.... :E
Wha? What's all this hacking business?

Edit: Woah.. I see...
I think its gone now. What did the 1337 haxor do, thinking he is so cool.

(I'm so proud of myself I didn't rant)