hl2.net Sven-coop community game.


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, remember a couple months ago i hosted my hl2.net community game server on the map RE1 for svencoop? Well i feel like doing that again, it was fun. I was thinking if we want to try to set the record for fastest completion of halflife in svencoop. Its going to take A LOT longer then the original. svencoop has more guys and stronger ones. And you cant use the trip mines to boost. I'd consider it an accomplishment if we could pull it of in 2 hours. Anyone want to give it a go, tonight?
I have never heard of this before. So what you get seven guys 2 play together a game of half-life? Is that wat ur saying? Please give me some info and I may join. Heh I sound stupid but id like 2 know.
B3@$T said:
I have never heard of this before. So what you get seven guys 2 play together a game of half-life? Is that wat ur saying? Please give me some info and I may join. Heh I sound stupid but id like 2 know.
Svencoop is a mod for Halflife. You get to play singleplayer halflife online. and other maps against aliens and grunts. its Co-Op for halflife
Where do I get this mod I want 2 join with u hehe sounds pretty cool
Alright thnks its downloading. Im up for beating the game fast as possible. Hope more people join in. If not ill tell my brother 2 join aswell so we have atleast someone else. Just tell me what time and the ip when ready.
I think I joined that last game, was that were one of the dickheads running the server kept using his admin powers to teleport us over an electrified puddle that killed us instantly over and over? Oh yeah, that was just a blast.
I would have to downlaod that game again, ill do it later.
Soundwave said:
I think I joined that last game, was that were one of the dickheads running the server kept using his admin powers to teleport us over an electrified puddle that killed us instantly over and over? Oh yeah, that was just a blast.
?¿?¿?¿?¿? last time we played it was the RE1 map. there is no electrified puddle.
Set a date for the game and make a detailed post about how to download svencoop and all that and I am sure you will get alot more people taking part next time. :)
Already have sven...just give me the date and ip! :)
Ok, guys i figure tonight can be practice, you guys want to pratice at 6:30 pm EST tonight?
I need a list of everyone who is in. Im going to cap at 8 players. too many slows us down.
That must have been fun. Some people just have too much power in their hands :D

PS: OMG there was Iron Maiden's "Can I Play With Madness" on TV!
Well im in once its finished downloading. Just give the ip when ready.
Alright here is the IP: You guys can start joining in 5 minutes, give me a second to fix amx mod. we will warm up a bit first. Join as you feel.
Guess I got that shitty experience mixed up with another forum coop game. Anyway, I'll join up for a bit.
Oh almost forgot, password is hl2.net

If some reason you can't join by IP. the name of the server is Halflife2.net community game| My ip is weird sometimes.

I got the port wrong.. its
Ill be there in a sec...but i warn you...im on 56k and will lag like hell. :(
Pauly said:
Server is up, you guys coming?

Its way too short notice for me and prolly many others.

If you ever do this again (Please do! :P) then post the day before hand at the very least and then we can fit it into our schedules. :) (SP?!)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Its way too short notice for me and prolly many others.

If you ever do this again (Please do! :P) then post the day before hand at the very least and then we can fit it into our schedules. :) (SP?!)
will do. Everythings ready. You coming marksmanhl2? we will probaly start at 7:00 est but we will practice a little.i have amx_pause bound to a key, so at the beginning of each map ill pause it. and wait for everyone
Sorry, i cant play. Your server has Entmod installed...and i dont have it. Neither do i have the time to download it, and i heard the installation of it is hard also. If you remove entmod, i will play.
Pauly said:
will do. Everythings ready. You coming marksmanhl2? we will probaly start at 7:00 est but we will practice a little.i have amx_pause bound to a key, so at the beginning of each map ill pause it. and wait for everyone

I'm afraid I cant mate. I have things to do... such as sleaping... :p. Its 11:50 here in the UK. So I really dont have the time to download whatever the latest version is, install it and then play it! :(

Next time eh! :)
Lethal8472 said:
Sorry, i cant play. Your server has Entmod installed...and i dont have it. Neither do i have the time to download it, and i heard the installation of it is hard also. If you remove entmod, i will play.
No, i have it set to allowupload so you have to have your set to allow download (sv_allowdownload 1) then its 2 small files, you dont need to install because its serverside.
This server is kinda iffy...Most of us was getting pings in thr 90+ range.Also pauly your not suppose to use noclip all the time.It's ruins the experience.
That was a good game earlier, I can only take so much of Sven Coop levels though, it gets really repetitive after 2 or 3.
Lol soundwave, I remember that game where we got dropped into the electric water, true fun 4 sure :\
Tr0n said:
This server is kinda iffy...Most of us was getting pings in thr 90+ range.Also pauly your not suppose to use noclip all the time.It's ruins the experience.
i used no clip because i had to come out of the elevator and tell you guys you cant go this way and there is a shortcut near the spawn (svencoop1 was the map) and i was stuck the other time.

Ok any MORE people want to play today and actually play the SP this time?
ill play tonight,if a lot more people do at like 8 est time or something like that, but i have the download it first and everything.
Count me in. I will download the game right now.

*woo 500 posts* SPAM KING
alright, we have 2 people I was thinking to play at 2pm EST
Does anyone know when Resident evil part 2 for sven co-op comes out?
soon as i have at least 4 people we can go. Just tell me when your ready (preferibly thru AIM)
2pm EST is 11 am here lol i might now be up then.. i wish it was at night i only play games at night.
Haha, I remember that one Sven game I hosted a while ago... we got stuck... :x

And I'd play, but my internet is bung right now so, even if I did have it already downloaded, I'd be jumping to 1500 ping quiet a lot. :P