Hl2.net WoW guild?


Jun 30, 2003
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Is there a HL2.net WoW guild? I just reactivated my account and I'm gonna make a new character tonight. I think i'm going to make a mage....
Get in a serious raiding guild, only way to get anywhere.


Wait for BC before creating a new char, so you can start off fresh in new territories.
Bleh, on my PvP server I'm over raiding and just do un-guilded pug PvP.

On my RP server, I'm already in the Shadowsong Bandits... I don't plan on leaving.

If this guild did start, I'd probably just make an alt and rarely play it.
Doubt we'd have a guild, too many characters on too many servers.

Right now I'm taking a break from WoW while waiting for BC. I just don't see the point in raiding for the moment, or leveling an alt. And PVK is soooooooo fun...
I got to 47 on my Blackrock mage... and then my subscription ran out.

Nevar again.
Most of the guys in my guild I know in person. I don't think they invite people they don't know.

While they wait for BC, most of the guys are PVPing with the double honor weekends and all. They farm honor for a weekend and get a lvl 60 pvp epic weapon/armor. ;)