hl2 or dukenukem?

What does this look like?

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Feb 16, 2005
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do u think this is Duke Nukem 3d or Half-Life 2?

Looks like Photoshop.

With a Hammer screen or at least a HL2 map in fullbright.
the yhave all all sorts of stuff for duke nukem now
Hm, ask a HL2 board this and expect something out of the ordanary?
There's a patch for Duke 3D... it makes things 3D and all :D
Meh, no it doesn't. It provides rudimentary 3d acceleration. It doesn't change the basic features of the engine, though.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Meh, no it doesn't. It provides rudimentary 3d acceleration. It doesn't change the basic features of the engine, though.

PiMuRhowned! Besides, no PC game is TRULY three dimensional.
Does this picture give you an idea?
u can poll for this picture too :naughty:

It looks like ass to me.
Half-life 2 with fullbright on. thus explaining why it looks like utter shit.
I. Don't. Care.

and yet I'm still posting in this thread... I hate my life.
Its Source. You can tell from the textures.
might be textures from hl2 but it sure as hell isnt source.
whats the point of this thread anyway?
mindless_moder said:
might be textures from hl2 but it sure as hell isnt source.
whats the point of this thread anyway?

Have you seen Source at the lowest settings? It looks worse then Quake 1.

With a little cmds changes it looks worse then those screenshots by FAR!
lol you guys will be shocked about the answers to the poll :D

oldagerocker said:
omg, its DNF !!!
Boy do you hace it all wrong... dnf will NEVER be released... thats what i think
Lol the poictures were From Duke Nukem 3D with hl2 textures and with no shading :D
Then why the enemy model has a shadow that is very source-like?
if you keep up with the Duke Nukem Texnology you will realise that you can add high res textures and 3d models which cast shadows ;)