HL2 Performance Issues


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey all,

Well, the inevitable has happened. I wait years for HL2, upgrade my video card last September in preparation (ooops), and finally the day comes to run it and play....................some parts are like an f'ing slideshow. :(

First off, system specs:
1.44 GHz AMD Athlon Thunderbird
256 MB DDR 2100 RAM
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB

I know my processor is low, RAM is low and my video card should do well...is what causes choppiness in the game related to the processor and RAM, processor OR RAM, etc.

I'm getting this sinking feeling I'm gonna hear a response I don't want to hear....................................I'll leave it at that. Any ideas on what to do for the short term? I had planned on putting back cash for an upgrade eventually, but that was contingent on HL2 running decent on this config...but hell, with everything set to low practically in the game, it's hard to play when you practically are waiting to hear the *Beeeep...please proceed to next slide*

It's the processor and the RAM. Considering th RAM speed, you'll probably want a new mobo too.
:( Exactly what I didn't want to hear...hahah...I guess I'll be asking for cash for Christmas and nothing else!

If I were to go (eventually) with a 64-bit system -when I upgrade, I UPGRADE-, in order to step the upgrade process, I assume my 7200 IDE hard drive would do for now until I can afford an SATA drive.

Also...anyone have advice on a Web site that offers great prices on stuff? I know I can check Pricewatch, but I want to ask you guys directly to see who you've had great luck with.

Ugh, I hate upgrading but I HAVE to play this game the way it's meant to be played.

256MB is what is probably giving you most of the slideshow effect as there are many enemies and many things to load in memory. And there are constantly new things to load.
Your CPU is slower and while it's not quite the problem your memory is, it's still an issue. HL2 is still very dependant on the CPU.

I would wait it out and upgrade, personally. Buying memory right now probably would help but it wouldn't solve all of your problems at all.

Thanks for the explanation. I gotta say, I agree with everything you said there. I've been reading in these forums all day that the game is very CPU and RAM intensive and those are two things I'm lacking. I don't wanna stick money into simply memory right now when I can stick it towards a serious upgrade in the near future.

How do you like your AMD 64? That's what I'm looking at getting...
