hl2.php and the third test

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Before I start let me say this, I am quite aware of the other posts on these topics but this diverges a bit so please do not bother telling me that.

OK, VALVe is really just enjoying a fun game with the members of this forum. I am saying this because move=chris_d is part of the game. As some of you may have noticed Chris_D did make a news post about it. Futhermore, the move=truth mentions Yombi who was also posting on the topic. Nonetheless, I find the game entertaining.

Lastly, I found something interesting. Enjoy. :cheers:

Pretty nifty! :thumbs:

(even though you die instantaneously no matter what ) :angry:
look at..

If you look at move=truth, time is italicized quite a bit. I just felt that it might work, so I tried it and that's what I found.

From what I understand move=time might not have been working before. However, if that is the case VALVe is certainly paying attention to these threads.

Maybe not, I looked for awhile and didn't see anything about it, ah well.


Goto the hl2.php post and do a search... about 100 people said that "they found" it.

Goto Csnation and look at the news articles. btw this is about a WEEK old.

:upstare: :upstare: :upstare: :upstare:
imagine this

I'm sorry I don't search every thread of every forum everywhere. Yes, I did "find" it, I didn't however "discover it". Did you not read what I said?
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