HL2 physics, dorky friends, aluminum plant...



I'm at a summer program right now, and we went and toured the ALCAN aluminum plant in Oswego, NY. No pictures allowed =(, but that place would make a totally badA HL2 map. As soon as you walk in the door there are humongous cranes that can lift 20 ton reams of aluminum sheet. Lot of different vehicles roaming around, including a forklift that has only one spike in the middle, and a GIGANTIC vehicle that carries a giant crucible of molten aluminum (20+ feet high and maybe 15 feet in diameter!) Combined with all the aluminum piles, random projectiles, massive machinery, hazardous environment, vehicles, etc... THIS PLACE WAS AWESOME. Made me think of HL2 the whole time (it was still a boring tour.) I casually mention this later, and about 10 other guys with me right in the vicinity all exclaimed, "holy crap, I was thinking the exact same thing!" and most of them aren't even very hardcore gamers. Maybe this will inspire someone to make a cool map or mod someday.

Also, made me wonder: when you hit an enemy with an object using the gravity gun, does it take into account the geometry of the object? Obviously if you hit someone head-on with a spear it will do a lot more damage than an object of the same weight that is blunt, or even the same spear hitting from the elongated side. Just a thought. I think this is the right forum, but if it's not, would a moderator please move it? Thanks guys!

Metal plants kick butt... mmm molten aluminum
Good question about the physics. It wouldn't be hard to do, but somehow I don't think VALVe has implemented it. How often do you think this would come up in HL2? I guess you could have a damage system that worked on Newtons/cm². That would be really cool.
psyno said:
Good question about the physics. It wouldn't be hard to do, but somehow I don't think VALVe has implemented it. How often do you think this would come up in HL2? I guess you could have a damage system that worked on Newtons/cm². That would be really cool.

yeah, exactly what I was thinking... I've been around a long time and haven't ever seen this come up, but I think it could be pretty important in some cases. If you had blunt objects you'd probably never tell, but there could be a few cases where things would seem unrealistic. Who knows? Maybe I should email Gabe?
Sounds like a great idea. One thing that I'm not sure about though, is how much data would have to be sent between computers in such a dynamic environment, especially if you're using fluids. Everything needs to be syncronised between clients, and this may put strain on the server.
But I'm not an expert so it would be interesting to see what others have to say.
it could be easily modded in by calculating the force per contact area and mesh that into an equation that would deal more damage with more force and less contact area
Synthos said:
it could be easily modded in by calculating the force per contact area and mesh that into an equation that would deal more damage with more force and less contact area
hoping to see a mod that does that with your name on it ;)

EDIT- i'm sorry, but all these "easilly modded" things just piss me off, because i know that 99% of those "easilly modded" stuff will never show up (thankfully)
It would be cool if you could pick up combine and aliens with the manipulator and shoot them across the sky.
sroom2 said:
It would be cool if you could pick up combine and aliens with the manipulator and shoot them across the sky.

Maybe not the Combine soldiers (too heavy?) but headcrabs and manhacks would be cool :D

I can just imagine a headcrab jumping off a host toward me, then I catch it and throw it back at the body and it reattaches :D
I wonder if there is a wieght limit to what the manipulator can pick up... :sniper: :sniper:
I know this is not really related with your trip to a metal factory, oh wait actually it is. Great place for inspiration and ideas, lots of abandoned places. Great source for making cool industrial type maps for mods ext... Check out gallery section

cyborgguineapig said:
I know this is not really related with your trip to a metal factory, oh wait actually it is. Great place for inspiration and ideas, lots of abandoned places. Great source for making cool industrial type maps for mods ext... Check out gallery section

That site is pretty cool. Those images are creepy. :x
I dunno about the damage thing, but I'm pretty sure the HL2 implementation of Havok takes the shape of a ballistic object into account in determining penetration, as someone from VALVe said a while ago (It was either in the info thread or a forum member visit) that things like lamp post could be used to impale...