Hl2 release date is when?


Nov 9, 2003
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ok, here is a serious question. when do you think hl2 is going to be released? be as specific as you can to the month and first half or second half fo the motnh. so far we know its in summer, to valve hopefully later summer than begining. so what do you guys think after reading all the reveiws and interviews. when will hl2 be sold on stores, not shipped (1 week arrival delays and what bullshit they have) , but sold in stores.

p.s if any of u whiteboys flame this thread, then you should be banned from these forums. and if you post "its almost here cant you wait" replys, you should be banned also. all i need is a date from the community. no 4 paragraph oppinions, only 1 sentrence with a date.
in my opinion maybe im optimistic, ied say late june. june 20-30 this gives them more than a month from today.
Nobody has a clue as to when the release date will be besides "summer" really.

Oh, and almost forgot:

It's almost here can't you wait?
:| It's being released tommorow. How many threads of release dates on HL2 gonna get to your heads? Sorry, but AROUND SUMMER UNDERSTAND THAT.
hyenolie said:
p.s if any of u whiteboys flame this thread, then you should be banned from these forums.
What if ur not white?
Early to mid July is when i think its comin, just in time for summer :cheers:
what? july isnt a summer month? does anyone know on average how long game testing is? month? year?
my guess is between july 2nd to august 21st.
but im just throwing a guess out my ass ;)
Half-Life 1 was delayed by a year, I'm guessing half-life 2 will go with tradition and be released on September 30th 2004.

I wouldn't put any money on that though, it could be 2006 for all valve seem to care :(
I'm not sure about a release date but in the next 2 weeks I am expecting something big...I don't know any information..just a gut feeling. :|
I think September for what it's worth.

It'd be nice to see the benchmark soon though.