hl2 sig


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
could some1 make me a sig pic with a combine soldier on it and my name (N@Sc) on it :D :E
i would be eternal greatfull :cheers:

reso = 300 x 50
You mean avatar, right? Sig pictures are not allowed here if you mean those.
You heard the ladies.

Tell me if you like any of them, or if you want any specific changes made. :)
damn nice i should learn it 2 looks realy cool, err.. learning photoshop and 3d max at the same time not sucha good idea ;(

but anyway : your the man, love you and stuff :p damn nice, u rule!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe im getting spoiled so i ask 4 another 1 )now that were doing buisness :naughty:

a sig pic same reso but then with a pic of ut2k4 character satin or Xan, and ofcourse my name :)
if you dont know the characters im talking about just search on google, and if you guys dont feel like making this 4 me im fine be3cause i have my uber cool combine sig,s :thumbs:
Well, since I had the program open already.. ;)

I'm not sure if these are Satin and Xan, let me know if I took the completely wrong characters.

EDIT: Oh crap, wrote N@rc in the first one *slaps head*, brb with corrected version.

EDIT2: Done :E
CrazyHarij, you're so kind. Marry me?
Queue up ladies, queue up :)

...wait - you are all ladies... right?
Just get married over here in New Paltz :P Then it'll be legal!

CrazyHarij is so nice. :)

I made you one, too. It took many hours, I hope you like it.
Chris_D said:
Queue up ladies, queue up :)

...wait - you are all ladies... right?

u realize.. alot of pple think ur hawt, right? :E
queue the long line ups! ;)
CrazyHarij said:
Well, since I had the program open already.. ;)

I'm not sure if these are Satin and Xan, let me know if I took the completely wrong characters.

EDIT: Oh crap, wrote N@rc in the first one *slaps head*, brb with corrected version.

EDIT2: Done :E

hehehe thnx dude, they look very nice :) (lol N@Rc :laugh: )
anyway these are xan and satin , hehehe
bleh, couldnt find satin the first pic is scarab (nice drawing) could if instead of satin scarab (this was my last requist) :eek:
Erestheux said:
Just get married over here in New Paltz :P Then it'll be legal!

CrazyHarij is so nice. :)

I made you one, too. It took many hours, I hope you like it.

Damn, that looked nice :)
CrazyHarij is almost in your league. Just a few years of practice and he'll be as skilled as you are.

I'm your MSPaint biatch.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Damn, that looked nice :)
CrazyHarij is almost in your league. Just a few years of practice and he'll be as skilled as you are.

I'm your MSPaint biatch.
Aw, dude, I was wondering when someone would notice my 1337 skillz!

Keep workin', Harij. ;)
plz can some1 make the 1`with the scarab egyptian dude, need it real bad :p (reso may be bigger ^^ )
Erestheux said:
Aw, dude, I was wondering when someone would notice my 1337 skillz!

Keep workin', Harij. ;)

;( I want to be like you when I grow up!

N@Sc: Oh, okay. I'll do a couple with the Scarab guy then :P
N@Sc: Oh, okay. I'll do a couple with the Scarab guy then
Yes: I Want Your Baby,s :cheers: :naughty:

Aw, dude, I was wondering when someone would notice my 1337 skillz!

show me (by making a sig ofcourse :naughty: )
the second 1 is YUMMIE other is hmmm (omfg im spoiled):p
thnx hey could u make.......... eheheh
heres an image of sapphire :thumbs:
just to let u know how she looks like

I'll help you if you can help me find pictures of Sapphire or Satin.. Google image search doesn't like me :(
N@Sc said:
show me (by making a sig ofcourse :naughty: )
Hey, man, your 1337 sig is on the top of page 2!

I'm so skilled. See?

CrazyHarij said:
;( I want to be like you when I grow up!

Oh by the way, N@sc, I think you beleive that Harij was joking about that favor...

Well, he's not.

He isn't going to stop at one favor, either. He wants favors. One for each of these sigs. You don't realize what you are doing...

And they aren't pretty favors.

They are very, very ugly ones.

Oh yes, very dirty favors.

You will be sorry. :O
omfg your the most skilled wisest man i ever man NOW STFU

I'll help you if you can help me find pictures of Sapphire or Satin.. Google image search doesn't like me

im on my way ^^
erestheux master of spam :hmph:

oh well crazyharije here are some pics of xan and saphire :E
N@Sc said:
erestheux master of spam :hmph:

oh well crazyharije here are some pics of xan and saphire :E
Pfft, I was trying to joke with you, mate. Try not to be so spoiled.
ok sry extraveus lets be friends :naughty: :eek: :imu:

if som1 feels like it plz make a sig with saphire or xan (or both :naughty: )