HL2 Story Speculation (HL2 Fallout)

Only thing I am wondering is if the guy who wrote the article has played the Beta... cause I am trying to avoid anything that has.... educated guessing, in terms of plotlines, due to the beta... luckily the server is down right now so I am untempted
That's odd, the link works fine for me.

I doubt the author has played the leak. The article is very logical and is something I'm sure we could all come up with if we took the time to actually sit down and think the storyline through. It's a good read for the lazy. :p
I found it quite wonderful, it puts everything together....
You know you've had the thoughts and stuff, but never wrote them down, this is what it would be like if you did. All the thoughts and theories put into one place. He shares the same opinion that the holo pic of Breen isnt real, that it may just be a computer image to fool you. That the combine are slowly taking over Earth, that is almost completely destroyed.

The Nihilanth, sitting on that metal thing and the chains, I have thought of that too. I know its been on the back of everyones mind, at one time or another.

This guy really took his time in writing this out, Im sure hes got some opinions and theories from around here and such.
and did you also notice the 3rd arm coming from the nihilanths chest?
the alien grunt also has this

in halflife, you discover the grunt standing in a test tube so to speak, in the chapter "questionable ethics"
this implies that the grunt was created by human forces and the ethics of many to create what appears to be a hybrid human could have been challenged

this supports the theory that the nihilanth was under the control of humans
it speaks english, it has the same facial features (this is true if you happen to be an ugly baby) and the way that the third arm seems to be attached rather than grown from its body

but what the hell do i know!? :p
i think what it is that the ailens are xen. but if you look at hte strider and flying cow thingy they look similar to a xen like creature with some biomechanical stuff..

so that could be that the combine at actually a human creation melding humans' machines and xen aliens together.

gman saw this and took it upon himself to make sure that hte combine evolve.. hence the whole cascade thing..

specualtion people

the game is close..
Very very interesting and well written.

But where does this leave hints given by Valve like those dried up lakes, the comment from them that there are two teams of scientists fighting the problem and pieces of Xen being transported to Earth? (some pieces of BMRF had also been "xenified")
Orcone101 said:
and did you also notice the 3rd arm coming from the nihilanths chest?
the alien grunt also has this

in halflife, you discover the grunt standing in a test tube so to speak, in the chapter "questionable ethics"
this implies that the grunt was created by human forces and the ethics of many to create what appears to be a hybrid human could have been challenged

this supports the theory that the nihilanth was under the control of humans
it speaks english, it has the same facial features (this is true if you happen to be an ugly baby) and the way that the third arm seems to be attached rather than grown from its body

but what the hell do i know!? :p
man dont write shit !! the humans didnt create those alies ,maaan ! are you really so dumb ?? did u play HALF-LIFE !!!!!????? at the end of half-life (and in blue-shift) u are told by some scientist that they went to xen in the past and took some specimens and aliens with them . . . . OMG! u must be dumb
Citizen 1150421 said:
i think what it is that the ailens are xen. but if you look at hte strider and flying cow thingy they look similar to a xen like creature with some biomechanical stuff..

so that could be that the combine at actually a human creation melding humans' machines and xen aliens together.

gman saw this and took it upon himself to make sure that hte combine evolve.. hence the whole cascade thing..

specualtion people

the game is close..
wrong ! the striders and gunships are not biological , they are pure machines, well imagine :what would they do if these gunships were livin thingies, what would they do if they gotta shit or eat ? would they say "sorry commander , we cannot attack the resistance base now , we gotta let that thing shit and after that we need to feed it" !! kinda odd ,dont you think ?
would be easier to build pure machines and thats what they did !
or well they could use armed horses instead of bikes if ya think that !
Comon children, you dont have to be hostile towards each other... Its ok to have your own little thoughts, even though they may be wrong. No reason to call an idiot or such...
I agree that the alien grunts and the nihilanth may have something in comon, along with the slaves too, cause of there third arm.I beleive that questionable ethics may have something to do with the testing of the zen aliens (gluon gun on bullsquid, the eletric thing on the headcrabs), and whether keeping them is... ethical. I kinda feel sorry for them, I dont think it had to do with biological research.
??? it was biological research ! they invented weapons to kill thos aliens man !
yeah, something like that... there is NO way that the alien grunts where man made.
Very good read, can't f**cking wait to play this now. And stop whining.
we11er said:
Very good read, can't f**cking wait to play this now. And stop whining.
That post just about sums up my thoughts perfectly. :cheers: