HL2 Turned Blind - Black Screen

André Damli

Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Recently, for no apparant reason, HL2 is no longer functional for me.

If I start the game with the 3D background, it will crash during the loading (I'm assuming it's during the loading, as I see the blurred screen for a second before everything turns black), but if I disable that, it takes me to the main menu.
Trouble is, everything's black, save my mouse. I have to navigate in my blind to where the "Quit" button is.
If I quickload, it will load the game (still black, but the disk is reading), then it plays the first sounds in the saves and repeats them at a medium pace (if this was during a speech by, say, Alex, it would be like "Gord-ord-ord-ord-ord" until it eventually crashes.

No error message. Just brings back my desktop.
As mentioned, this happened uncalled for. No changes were made, it just suddenly stopped playing normally.

CSS works just fine.

I've validated HL2, but there's nothing reported there.
There's also no error logs in Steam.

