HL2 Unofficial TF2 Server Help


Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Alright. I just got it setup. But whenever I join it just rejects me and I get this message in console:

Invalid Steam key size.

Erm....wtf is going on? How can I fix this?

For the moment, the server's IP is:

Go ahead and try to join, it won't work. If we want the server up, we need to fix this issue.

I'm currently using this server.cfg, anything I need to add to fix this or something?:
// General Settings //

// Hostname for server.
hostname "HL2.net Unofficial TF2 Server"

// Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
sv_visiblemaxplayers 20

// Maximum number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_maxrounds 5

// Set to lock per-frame time elapse
host_framerate 0

// Set the pause state of the server
setpause 0

// Control where the client gets content from
// 0 = anywhere, 1 = anywhere listed in white list, 2 = steam official content only
sv_pure 0

// Is the server pausable
sv_pausable 0

// Type of server 0=internet 1=lan
sv_lan 0

// Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_consistency 1

// Collect CPU usage stats
sv_stats 1

// Execute Banned Users //
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

// Contact & Region //

// Contact email for server sysop

// The region of the world to report this server in.
// -1 is the world, 0 is USA east coast, 1 is USA west coast
// 2 south america, 3 europe, 4 asia, 5 australia, 6 middle east, 7 africa
sv_region 1

// Rcon Settings //

// Password for rcon authentication
rcon_password I can't tell you that XD

// Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_banpenalty 1440

// Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_maxfailures 6

// Log Settings //

// Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
log on

// Log server information to only one file.
sv_log_onefile 0

// Log server information in the log file.
sv_logfile 1

// Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logbans 1

// Echo log information to the console.
sv_logecho 1

// Rate Settings //

// Frame rate limiter
fps_max 300

// Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minrate 0

// Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxrate 30000
rate 30000
// Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_minupdaterate 10

// Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxupdaterate 66

// Download Settings //

// Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_allowupload 1

// Allow clients to download files
sv_allowdownload 1

// Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
net_maxfilesize 32

// Team Balancing //

// Enable team balancing
mp_autoteambalance 1

// Time after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch players.
mp_autoteambalance_delay 60

// Time after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance warning
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 30

// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1

// Round and Game Times //

// Enable timers to wait between rounds. WARNING: Setting this to 0 has been known to cause a bug with setup times lasting 5:20 (5 minutes 20 seconds) on some servers!
mp_enableroundwaittime 1

// Time after round win until round restarts
mp_bonusroundtime 8

// If non-zero, the current round will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_restartround 0

//Enable sudden death
mp_stalemate_enable 1

// Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round.
mp_stalemate_timelimit 300

// game time per map in minutes
mp_timelimit 35

// Client CVARS //

// Restricts spectator modes for dead players
mp_forcecamera 0

// toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_allowspectators 1

// toggles footstep sounds
mp_footsteps 1

// toggles game cheats
sv_cheats 0

// After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
sv_timeout 900

// Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this and sv_timeout equal same time?
mp_idlemaxtime 15

// Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
mp_idledealmethod 2

// time (seconds) between decal sprays
decalfrequency 30

// Communications //

// enable voice communications
sv_voiceenable 1

// Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions 0=off 1=on
sv_alltalk 1

// amount of time players can chat after the game is over
mp_chattime 10

// enable party mode
// tf_birthday 1

EDIT: I think I got it working. I'm running a Steam Update on the server content, and I think that's what I have to do. TF2 has a lot of updates.