HL2 user created music!

sank you :)

yea, the program I use mostly has synths and electronic type sounds, but I've managed some pretty good rock/metal songs using it's guitar generator, there's a free download of trial software for anyone who's interested in using the program.
Be alright, If I was like, going into a lame night club.
azz0r said:
Be alright, If I was like, going into a lame night club.

hahaha ha ;(

you can't picture city 17, and like fighting against the combine oppression? not at all?

I'm just kidding. whenever I listen to it, I think how it couldv'e been better by having different drums, not a plain pulse, but thanks for the feedback. I'm going to upload more of my songs to that site later, I'll post a link when I do.
Really? If I listen to this I immagine myself trippin on xtacy in clubs

nothing hl2 ish about it IMO.. but its nice to lsiten to.. not my kind of music but its ok.
Yea ! that reminds me of hl2 aswell.
When you watch a few of the videos the music is similar, just without the beats in the background...
well i dont like this techno type of music...it sounds too fruityloopish
but seems that you are skilled ^^
Thank you every one :D

I'm going to put my others up soon, hope you enjoy them!
Wow, great song! I really like the chopped uppy-ness of the main part =D. I use FLStudio 4 too btw, it rocks ;).

Edit - Would you mind posting the .FLP please? :cheers:
I see where you were going with it, but it doesn't really make me think of hl2 that much. Its kinda like, intro music for when someone is coming on stage or an interval at some kind of meeting :p Still its pretty good.
Nice but not my kind of music ;) id like to know what the MGS song is like :)
Good music but you're going too far away from the ambient HL2 atmosphere. Good idea about making music inspired by the game, I think I'll try it out with Reason and post the results here :D
i'm sure they play that sort of music in clubs around City 17 :p

nicely put together though.
Good music. But I have noticed a few problems (oppinionated). The song started off good, but I noticed that it gets too repetitive very soon. You used the precussion drums a little too much to effectively transition into a new synth. Often you just added new synth to the existing synths, normally that is ok. But you did it too much in this song. If you started off with the soft synth and soft beat that you did early off in the song, than transitioned into some heavy base and hard grungy synths (while still keeping the soft synth in the background) it would be amazing. You should do that than upload it again, I would like to listen to it!
Good work guys. I myself use Fruity Loops. Really fun.

My friend does to, and he made a Half-Life 2 song. It features the G-Man voice files that Gabe posted.
Pretty cool stuff.
(I'll try to get him to post it)
I like it, although it's pretty much your garden variety techno beat.

The hollow-sounding noise from the start is interesting, as are the beeps.
The genericness stems from the drums, I think.
They sort of overshadow the really good parts and make you wait for someone to repeat "the system is down." :p

As for CrazyHarij's entry, I like it too, except for the weird pulse sound that goes through the whole thing and gives me a headache. It could use some variety near the end too. I just sorta repeats itself constantly after a point.

Sounds like it's trying to hypnotize me or something... :eek:
Hmm I like Crazy's too, but I gotta agree with MechaG, that pulse sound gave me a headache too *pouts*
As soon as I get Project 5 back on my pc I will upload some beats and some completed songs I have made. Mostly all are hard trance.
Not bad, I really like the beginning... but you know it's all about E.S. Posthumus ^__^
first off, Fruityloopz rules (havent used it in ages, but it rocks) secondly that song kicks ass, great beat :D

thanks Takaitokuten :cheers:
now common guys, he worked hard, dont go all gay on him, i think its good, but it doesnt go with hl2, but its still good! gj
NSPIRE said:
Not bad, I really like the beginning... but you know it's all about E.S. Posthumus ^__^
he does rule I like menouthis especially :D
crazy you have something really cool going n the beginning, but you really really ruin it with that repetetive stuff althrough the song...you should really try and keep the guitar stuff and just go more crazy :D