HL2 via Steam Release Date??


Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, if the game is on retail store shelves on Tuesday, November 16th, you'd assume the major retailers will be doing midnight parties on the 15th. Does this mean, we get the game at midnight on monday (technically tuesday)? And if so, which time zone at midnight?

And if we can't unlock at the same time, it would suck if people could buy a retail copy, install, and play, before I can unlock my copy. :(
It will be out 12:00AM the 16th "Los Angeles" (VALVe) time.
uhm, if it isnt unlocked, people with retail cant play either, doh :LOL:

so we only can register the game, and still have to wait like the rest
That is so true!

Man i am so happy with the release date! Not annoyed at any rate! Well done valve! :D November 16th release is all fine and dandy...

But while reading through the GONE GOLD info...


so what do you guys think? Day-two maybe three days before retail it will be released Vai steam???? On same day? maybe day after?

what do you guys think?
Would be nice to play now, seeing how I have paid for it, downloaded several gigs to my harddrive, and even went and reserved a retail copy.
Would be nice if Valve decided to unlock it for us STEAM users, for showing our support for them by paying them directly.
To bad both those sentences begin with "Would be".
It’s been confirmed the moment the release day comes (12:00AM) for retail, it will live on steam.
Yeah, i thought the whole idea of using steam was to distribute games much more efficiantly.. the way they are doing it totally defies the point of steam...
Guys, valve is under contract with VU and cant legally release the game to steam users until it is also avalible from retail. Chill out.
cadaveca said:
Would be nice to play now, seeing how I have paid for it, downloaded several gigs to my harddrive, and even went and reserved a retail copy.
Would be nice if Valve decided to unlock it for us STEAM users, for showing our support for them by paying them directly.
To bad both those sentences begin with "Would be".
get a clue man there are legal reasons why they cant...
Well right now this method of delivery is new and unproven. Valve still has contracts with the Publisher and the Publisher has agreements with the retail stores. Valve can't release early simply because all of the retail chains would be pissed and of course so would Vivendi. I'm sure they aren't too happy about the whole CS:S release as it is. I'm sure Valve has already made a ton of money just thru releasing CS:S as an incentive to get the game thru steam rather than thru the more traditional retail sector.
commando said:
But while reading through the GONE GOLD info...


so what do you guys think? Day-two maybe three days before retail it will be released Vai steam???? On same day? maybe day after?

what do you guys think?

Well, the reason Steam wasn't mentioned is because the press release was from Vivendi. Vivendi is only interested in the retail release of the game. Now, we've been told in the past that Steam versions will be unlocked on the same day that the game becomes available in retail.

The thing I hadn't thought of for some reason was which time zone they would be basing that on. The most logical guess would be Pacific Standard Time (Valve being in Seattle). This would be pretty unfortunate for anyone east of there (pretty much everyone), being that it won't be unlocked until several hours into November 16 in the rest of the US and not until late morning in Europe. This would actually be much later than these people could buy the game through retail routes, especially with the midnight sales that will probably happen.

My hope is that Valve plays technicalities here and releases the game as soon as it is November 16 somewhere in the world. This would give people more incentive to buy over Steam rather than retail and we know that Valve is doing whatever they can to push that mentality.

Either way, I'm guessing we can expect an announcement sometime soon from Valve regarding how this release date will effect us Steam buyers.

EDIT: I just realized that it doesn't matter either way for me as that week is going to be extemely busy at work and I probably won't get a chance to play it until the weekend anyways...damn! :frown:
TopDog said:
Yeah, i thought the whole idea of using steam was to distribute games much more efficiantly.. the way they are doing it totally defies the point of steam...
They are bound by the contract with VU ...

wow .. beaten by 5 posts O_O
big fu****ing deal , so u will wait couple more hours

i'm damn happy thats its damn GOLD ALREADY!!! and soon we can all eat this game :)
Ar.Pi said:
big fu****ing deal , so u will wait couple more hours

i'm damn happy thats its damn GOLD ALREADY!!! and soon we can all eat this game :)

Yum! :cheers:

Just pointing out the little things to keep in mind...when people are excited about getting to play the game 20 minutes before people get home from buying it at midnight, having to wait several hours could be torture. It would be best to start dealing with these things now! ;)
yeah i know, but u know after D3 i realized that the anticipation is the BEST moment, u have all those thoughts and emotions about the game so i guess its not that bad to wait :)

who the heck am i kidding gee :/
cadaveca said:
Would be nice to play now, seeing how I have paid for it, downloaded several gigs to my harddrive, and even went and reserved a retail copy.
Would be nice if Valve decided to unlock it for us STEAM users, for showing our support for them by paying them directly.
To bad both those sentences begin with "Would be".

And cause another legal battle? hahahaha
I dont give a shit about the god damned Gold Date, I payed money. Give me my game. Gold means nothing to me.
Yombi said:
And cause another legal battle? hahahaha
coZ said:
get a clue man there are legal reasons why they cant...

you missed the last line then, i assume?
Would be? why do you think i put that there? As in would be nice, but will never happen.
Some people are dense.