Hl2 vs Farcry vs Doom 3 (Graphics)

LOL that sums those games up so well, Doom 3 one made me laugh cos it's oh so true. :E:E:E
Subatomic said:
I don't get the Far Cry one

Someone explain!

It's shiny. Like Far Cry... (Screw the sweat excuses.)
I don't think the FarCry one is really supposed to be funny, it's just there as a filler to make the Doom 3 one funnier.
The Far Cry one is pretty funny if you played through it in "Paradise" mode. The image sums it up pretty nicely.

I still thought the game looked fantastic, though.
lmfao....I thought it was real for a second...god I'm tired :D but yeah, the doom 3 one made me wake my roomates up from laughing :p
The funniest thing about it is that the hl2 pic is just a change in color tone from the actual picture... a very slight one compared to that massacre called farcry.
HL2 looks ok but i think the real one looks the best, I think im going to buy normal rock when it comes out.
Admin_Winnuting said:
HL2 looks ok but i think the real one looks the best, I think im going to buy normal rock when it comes out.
dude, you newb, Doom 3's rocks are better!! they look JUST like what they would look like on the dark side of Mars!!!
Looks like the λ² on the side of the stone, oh wait maybe thats my eyes!!!.. :eek: :rolling:
Hah, I was tricked... I was awed when I saw the HL2 one, chuckled when I saw the Doom 3 one, and didn't even think about the Far Cry one.

/me stupid noob

- Manga :p
Man thats such a good way to describe them!
Now instead of trying to describe in words whats wrong with doom3/farcry to those dumb lil fannyboys, I'll just hold up that picture!..which im to lazy to print off so forget what i just said...

Goodnight :thumbs: :sleep:
does anybody remember that picture that guy made here where he said something like "Half-Life 2 ported to doom3 pic inside"

and it was a pic of a crowbar and the rest was just black... lol it was funny
IMHO this is what those games look like to me:
operative x said:
IMHO this is what those games look like to me:

I dunno man, check out this ingame shot, walking around City 17.

If you didnt know that was Half-Life 2, would you have though that was a photograph from real life?


  • real.jpg
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operative x said:
IMHO this is what those games look like to me:

I agree with the farcry and the doom 3 one... but the hl2 one looks like some kind of Picasso's paintings.
white zero, thats not an hl2 ingame shot, you can tell by the insane shadow detail. Thats a shot planet half-life gathered to prove that city 17 is actaully a small town in europe.
WhiteZero said:
If you didnt know that was Half-Life 2, would you have though that was a photograph from real life?

The left part and the bottom of the pic is hl2, but the building in the back is from a real photograph. It just goes to show how much hl2's graphics look like real life compared to other games.
This is an ingame shot of city 17, see the difference between these pics?

It still looks damn good! And i dont understand why everyone dosent like Far Cry, its a really fun game and the graphics are good too, sure its a little shiny in some places, but overall it looks really good.
Chiefi said:
The left part and the bottom of the pic is hl2, but the building in the back is from a real photograph. It just goes to show how much hl2's graphics look like real life compared to other games.

no, its all real. it was just a reference photo
Sums up the games perfectly. LOL. The Doom 3 one soooo hits the nail on the head.