HL2 WAD File



Where can I find the WAD file for Half Life 2? And how do I make a WAD file?

Long story short, WADs are a thing of the past. You're looking for GCFscape, and no, you cannot create custom GCFs.
Grrr. Then how the heck am I supposed to use textures in Hammer?
You mount the GCFs in Hammer and it reads the textures from it.

WAD files are long gone, but they're similar structures.
By default hammer should have all default textures added. If not try reseting your game configurations in the SDK.

Any custom textures you make you will have to turn into materials (2 files, read more at developer wiki) and then you place those files in CurrentGame/materials/whatever/
where CurrentGame is the game you're mapping for and whatever is a folder in that directory which you can name whatever you want.
They are mounted by default for whatever game you're mapping for.
It should be mounted by default.

If not try refreshing SDK contents in the SDK AFTER you've run the game you're mapping for. If that doesn't work try reseting the SDK.

And if you are using hammer "outside" the SDK you can stop trying to mout those files. Hammer needs the SDK nowadays.
. . . so what? I just hit "New" and they should be loaded?
Had you even tried hitting new before asking for help? =/