HL2 Wallpaper.. its cool!


Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
A little something I put together in photoshop. Spent a lot of time on it, so even if you don't like it try not to be too harsh :). Let me know what you think though.


And if I see another wall paper with just gordon looking at the 'viewer' and then having something behind him, I will cry... lets come up with something a little more original guys! That has been waaaaaay over done. :x
Hehe, that's the best one I've seen...

Oh wow nice!

Is it just me or does the thing on the left look like ice tea? :)
awesome, one of the best (if not) ive seen. And i agree about the gordon wallpapers
Now kids, this is what happens when you spend more than 5 min on a wallpaper :D

Good job
My new background. Absolutly great. I want to see more work from you.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Oh wow nice!

Is it just me or does the thing on the left look like ice tea? :)

Well I was doing it all on my drawing pad, sippin down on some iced tea.. but then I spilled it all and this wallpaper just popped out :). Actually what it is is coals from a fire, that have been changed to fit my needs. I'm trying to come up with ideas for a new wallpaper. Any ideas you guys have would be great. While the wallpaper did take a good amount of time... the idea took almost as much. Thanks again!

( oh and if you think I should make a few more on the same 'theme' let me know )
No why cant I use photoshop? PSP7 cant cut it anymore and I have Photoshop 7 lying around on my harddrive. But the interface is so complicated and large. I cant get my head round it. How you made that is beyond me. Very nice though.

Best I can manage: http://painlord.deviantart.com
Originally posted by mindless_moder
wht do u use waccom ?

If you mean the wacom tablet, it was just a joke :laugh:. I don't really have a tablet.