HL2 Weapon Slots



In some of the HL2 videos whenever the player picks up a different
weapon they drop the current one first. I'm sure I read somewhere that
different weapons slot systems where being tested. I really hope that
in HL2 there will be unlimited weapon slots just like HL1, it was one of
the things I really liked, (to be able to carry as many weapons as i
liked). Could you please say if there will be limited/unlimited weapon



That was something we were experimenting with, however it's since gone
back to the HL1 method of carrying all of your weapons.


Good news, I hate having to drop weapons to pick up others!
Tattical combat has just gone to hell, well guess will have play like Rambo again.
Just because you can carry all the weapons at once doesn't mean there are no tactics...
If anything there culd b more tactics available with been able to carry all weps.

Using right weapon in the right situation perhaps :sniper:
I prefer having my choices open at all times, instead of needing to make decisions that could effect the rest of the game, in a linear situation this isnt a good idea, Weapon swapping is fine for more open ended tactical games, but this is a sci fi shooter, and half-lifes weapon system is fine.
Real tactics, not quake tactics, anyways, as long as Gordon isn´t sliding through the map like he did in HL will make me so happy that I won´t bother to immagine in wich hole he keeps an Rocket Launcher while carrying an XM-29, a crowbar, an USP match, a Spas-12.............
I think I´ll stop here................
Ye , he carries all them guns and yet i can see no suitcase heh

I dread to think where he keeps his Crowbar :naughty:
KurtCobain said:
I dread to think where he keeps his Crowbar :naughty:
Thanks for that!
And on the topic of only being able to carry a certain number of weapons, I never really liked it. In other games with this type of system, such as Halo, it got annoying to have to make a choice about weaponry.
I'd rather have my gaming experience annoyance free, and the HL weapon system is perfect for this. Plus, it encourages wide use of all the weapons instead of just the 'uber' ones.
I think there shuld b a limit of each kind of wep u can hav

for example 1 pistol

1 melee wep

all types of grenades u collect (including pheramone)

and 2 primary weps like the Spas12 and XM-29 SABR

This wuld giv different range of weapons , but also limiting the 'Rambo' style gameplay u get with all the weps at once , what u think ?
I would have hated Valve if they used the system they were experimenting with. That seemed soo... CS like. And HL is definately not CS. :p
And there are more possibilities(sp?) for gameplay if you can carry more weapons.
I think that carrying all the weapons on the game is out-of-date of so unrealistic.

They should at least limit something like Far Cry (don't bash me, I'm jsut saying the weapon system is more realistic) or Halo.
Sprafa said:
I think that carrying all the weapons on the game is out-of-date of so unrealistic.

They should at least limit something like Far Cry (don't bash me, I'm jsut saying the weapon system is more realistic) or Halo.

How is carrying all the weapons you get "out of date?"
Anything other than all the weapons would break tradition
By 'out of date' i think he meant games like Doom 1 etc used to use this sort of wep inventory and that we need a change.

Hes got a point , aving all weps u collect at once does seem to be a bit old fashion

I can honestly say that I used most of the weapons I had in the last parts of HL1, except for maybe the glock. If you guys want to play it that way, then make/get a mod for it, but I like the way they're implementing it.
I hate carrying all your wepons. It makes the game far too easy and takes away the 'oh my god I don't have the right gun in my lapel pocket' moments that make playing so much more fun, especially on the third or fourth run through.
Does give you a mental image of Gordon being a walking pile of weapons, though...
KurtCobain said:
I think there shuld b a limit of each kind of wep u can hav

for example 1 pistol

1 melee wep

all types of grenades u collect (including pheramone)

and 2 primary weps like the Spas12 and XM-29 SABR

This wuld giv different range of weapons , but also limiting the 'Rambo' style gameplay u get with all the weps at once , what u think ?

I hate to say it but i think i prefer my idea :naughty:
KurtCobain said:
I hate to say it but i think i prefer my idea :naughty:

...who doesn't prefer their own ideas? seriously.. lol
hey i walked around CS with lots of weapons... i used to be an admin in TkG before i screwed up... well one of the outhers screwed me up... i was helping my self to amx_ff 1 and i kept putting zeor to turn it off and it woulnt turn off im like !@#$ so i shoot weezy he shoots me blah blah he drops me sv_gravity -9999 then maxed 9999 and i splat he gose to spectators and finnaly i kick him he crys to the head admin ect... lol it only lasted a day...

ne ways the command for amx is amx_weapon ## first # is the cadagory box and the second is weapon number...
XenoSpirit, congratulations in stating that a mod can edit stuff like that! :)
Its official , HL2 will hav same weapon system as HL1 with all the weps been able to carry at once
I like the two ways.

Well i think about it and they can make 3 types of difficult the most is the realistic and you can only carrie 5 weapons. Or some amount of weight.
XenoSpirit said:
hey i walked around CS with lots of weapons... i used to be an admin in TkG before i screwed up... well one of the outhers screwed me up... i was helping my self to amx_ff 1 and i kept putting zeor to turn it off and it woulnt turn off im like !@#$ so i shoot weezy he shoots me blah blah he drops me sv_gravity -9999 then maxed 9999 and i splat he gose to spectators and finnaly i kick him he crys to the head admin ect... lol it only lasted a day...

ne ways the command for amx is amx_weapon ## first # is the cadagory box and the second is weapon number...

You know, you make about as much sense as Ralph from the Simpsons?
I like being able to carry all weapons at once.

The 2 weapon load out works in games like Halo because there are only three good weapons (the human pistol, the alien pistol, and the shotty) in the game.

I really hope they balance HL2 where you want to use all the weapons they give you.
normally i like realism more than "fun"(Realism is fun usually), but i think in HL2's case having every weapon is much better:
1. the game isnt a realism game(fighting wise), so dont try to make it one.
2. like someone else already said, if you are limited in your weapon capacities, you will only carry the super good ones, and will never end up using the bad ones(which can be a lot more fun).
3. it'll have the good old half-life feel. with the immense variety of enemies, carrying around no more than 5 weapons(including pistol, melee) could easily get you screwed and would make it really difficult and boring(In spots where you have to take down headcrabs, a helicopter, combine, etc, etc all in a row).
I agree that not making it mandatory is a great idea.

But I'd also like to be able to click a button in the options menu to turn it on if I want to, for replay value.
And it would be retarded is you ran out of ammo, and you had to backtrack all the way to where you dropped the other weapon. I HATE backtracking.

Thankyou Valve for doing it the HL1 style, never lost faith in ya. :)
I posted this idea awhile back.

How bout you can carry all the weapons you like,however they hang off you(In another E-mail its said that they are physically rendered/made) and the more there are the more they bang off you and make noise.You dont slow down(Like in most over-encumbered situations) because the HEV suit,suplements your muscles and pumps up the Adrenilan
So while with a ton of weapons you cant go stealty but your options are open.

Methinks that is the best solution.(Would be cool in MP,see people how pick up more guns haveing more combat webbing on them,different grens hanging off etc.)
I wonder what Valve will do. This is one of those issues where if you take away having the weapons it's not as fun yet if you allow all the weapons it just doesn't make much sense.
It's like the health meter. People walking around can't see numbers in front of them telling them how healthy they are. It is, however, important to give that information to the player.... that's why the HEV suit was so cool, it's the best of both worlds.
itll be better if you can carry all the weapons you pick up without dropping any, but i hope that you dont have to click or press enter after all the numbers you press to change weapons i dont like that.
Um, it has already been confirmed that the weapon system will be like in HL1 people...
Yep, and I'm glad it is. I remember while playing through Halo, I dumped the rocket launcher in favor of another gun (covenant rifle maybe) and then found that I needed the launcher further into the game because I was supposed to use it to take out a bunch of vehicles and had to either backtrack (a long way, and Halo was already bloody repetitive) or attempt it with the non-vehicle-killing weapons I had. How stupid is that?

Thank god for Half-Life style weapons. UT2004 has that style too, and it works fine. It isn't going out of fashion at all.
Unlimited weapons does sound good during Single Player..
But not exactly the same on Multiplayer, anybody else feel the same way on that?
Jesus rapes little boys

Anywho, yeah i personally like the having lots of weapons idea a lot better then just 2... Well... it really depends on the game, but for HL, definitly more then just 2...