hl2 weather system



in the screenshots the weather was looking pretty nice, but since i saw S.T.A.L.K.E.R screenshots im wondering if they made hl2 weather just as nice?

Edited by Fenric: Sorry, no links to screenshots from the stolen files
Do you mean day and night cycles? If you do, then no HL2 will not have day-night cycles like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Though it will be very easy to mod.
I'm sure half-life will have very realistic looking fog, rain, and lightning. Their skyboxes use cloud layers, so those are going to look fantastic. Last I heard, there's going to be a whole slew of things that mappers can do with the sky in half-life. I also heard that wind does exist in the game and is physically simulated... not sure on that one, though.

What would be freaking awesome: If the rain in HL2 is affected by wind, so that it will fall at an angle if there's wind. That actually sounds like it wouldn't be difficult to fake, but still... a great idea : )
If there were newspapers and leaves on the pavement that were effected by the physics, that would be cool. Like a newspaper is blowing in the wind, gets blown up against a wall and flattens out so you can read it... pointless but would be a cool looking effect.
id still like to see a real weather system in it, would be even better if you could get it to sync up with the weather at ur house. probably wouldnt be hard to do either, just give the game ur area code and it could then take real time info from a website, some place like weather.com. only part i could see it to be kinda hard to do is with snow and snow accumulation, although it would be cool to see some stuff get coverd in snow.
lol, yeah. There would no longer be a point to look out the window to see if school is cancelled, or what the weahter is like :D :cheers:
"mom il check the weather ch--.... er half-life 2"

"okay hunny pie thanks"
Originally posted by another-user
id still like to see a real weather system in it, would be even better if you could get it to sync up with the weather at ur house. probably wouldnt be hard to do either, just give the game ur area code and it could then take real time info from a website, some place like weather.com. only part i could see it to be kinda hard to do is with snow and snow accumulation, although it would be cool to see some stuff get coverd in snow.

Yeah, although a real weather system would be a lot of work, and it'd be boring. Weather is really boring shit. Plus, you'd have to figure out how to simulate air pressure, humidity, dew point, wind speed/direction, and all those other goodies to get accurate weather. I dare someone to try and simulate air pressure in a game like that... man that would be almost as bad as simulating water.
Nah you'd only need to simulate rain, fog, snow, sunshine, hail. Thats about it. It doesnt need to get all that complex.
They had something like that in Black and White, though i never really got around to trying it out then, i was on dial up. It would be a cool idea though.
Sweet idea. Tough to implement... or maybe it'd be really easy... ah shit, who knows.
Weather should stay in the control of the author. It has always been a useful tool to set mood and atmosphere- I wouldn't really care how good it looks if it served no purpose (gameplay or atmoshpere).
Originally posted by RandomPING
They had something like that in Black and White, though i never really got around to trying it out then, i was on dial up. It would be a cool idea though.

Well, theoretically it was there. I could never get it to work. It was POURING rain out, my land was nice and sunny, and vice versa XD
I remember reading in this forum that apparently there is a level in the game where there is a Tornado? Is that true? that would rock
Nooo way tornado? That would kick ass to see a bunch of combine ragdolls flying around in circles and then hitting light poles on their backs!
From hl2source.com:
Hoaxer: Will there be any weather effects (in Half-Life 2)?
Gabe Newell: Yes (rain, fog, snow ...). Weather effects are traditionally implemented with a combination of sprites, particles, screen space effects, detailed props, and these sub-systems will make it very easy for MODers to either use our weather effects, modify our weather effects, or create their own. Weather gets more interesting when you start tying it to game logic and physics - for example one of the developers built a mini-tornado that not only looked like a tornado, it would push the player around, and pick up everything that was light enough and swirl it around.
Snow? Could this mean a nuclear winter in Half-Life 2?
Winter weather would kick ass! Blurred vision, snow discouloration (blood and such), footprints,etc.
So many possibilities with just winter weather alone.

/me pictures hail impaling the combine
Originally posted by A True Canadian
Snow? Could this mean a nuclear winter in Half-Life 2?
Winter weather would kick ass! Blurred vision, snow discouloration (blood and such), footprints,etc.
So many possibilities with just winter weather alone.

/me pictures hail impaling the combine

you, sir, are a true canadian.
A Live weather system really should not be a problem. The base of your live weather system would have to be coded in. As long as you setup the hard effects of rain, snow, fog, etc...you can in theory use an out-side plugin/program to relay the weather information. For example, those real-time weather system programs that run on your windows taskbar. As long as you have a broadband connection or connect to the internet at some point before you play your game, the calculated effects could be created from the program onto a table, and from that table HL2 could calculate those effects in real time in your game. A day and night system would be even easier considering you do not have to be logged into anything for your time to update.
The problem with simulating local weather is that those of us who live in northern climes would need to trudge through the slush, while other folks are not so impeded.
I'd expect that many people would prefer not to have the crappy weather of reality show up in their games as well.

It'd be like walking in from a blizzard, taking out a cup of cocoa and then finding that your microwave is filled with snow.
wether? ....who cares bout wether i dont want to
get blown around by wind or hit by falling hell or
forwn in the rain. i just want to shoot at things.
if you want to get sucked away by tornados....... then
move into a trailer park......... halflife is about fighting
not wether. its not important it will only slow the game.
Weather affects would add to the atmosphere of the game.
Half-Life consisted mostly of indoor maps, with the gamer going outside every once in a while.
Half-Life 2 looks to be mostly outdoor maps with the gamer going inside every once in a while.
Therefore, if the game is mostly outside, the outdoors would need to contain little things like weather to add to the realism and the immersiveness.

Hopefully Valve will include the option to adjust these weather conditions for people with low-end machines, or to increase replayability.
wether still shouldnt be in it i mean who cares
lots of little rain images falling down over the
screen wont make the game better. being blown
around by the wind wont make the game any better.
wether is just going to far. its not a reality simulater
its a shooter where you shoot things not enjoy the nice wether.
This isn't Serious Sam. There's a lot more to it besides the shooting.
yea well there is more to it than serios sam
but serious sam was so basic. halflife2 isnt
that basic but its still a first person shooter
not a first person wether viewer. its still
bout killing enemys not bout dodging raindrops.
wether is fine but it doesnt need to be so extream.
basic fog and rain is fine, no more.

how many of you ejoy shooting things in games.
now how many enjoy walking in a rain simulater more.
its clear what is important and what is not important.
What makes you think weather effects and combat can't coexist in a game? Realistic rain and wind won't take away from the shooter experience; if anything they will enhance it.
yes it will take it away think bout it if your shooting
a enemy the last thing you want is to get sucked away
by a tornado. thats stupid i dont want to fight tornados
i want to play a game. also too much rain and hell will
mess up your ability to shoot the enemy properly...it
just cant work. basic wether is ok but tornados is stupid.
i mean really if you are fighting in a shooter game the
last thing you want is a tidel wave swooping in and killing
you. rite?
let me think about this....would i prefer to be in a jungle hunting for guys that are out in broad daylight or would i prefer to be trudging through a tropical storm, that A. can distract enemys and limit there sense of sight and sound B. allow me to creep through the jungle with more ease because the enemys cant see/hear as well C. make for one hell of a cool effect and be able to emerse (sp?) my self in a game that much more?

personaly u can keep ur bright, sunshining perfect sunday afternoon weather, ill take the sever weather, no matter what shape or form it comes in.
I think extreme weather might make more sense in HL2 if it had a correlating effect on bullet trajectory, but I recall that Valve already said it wouldn't. Bullet travel is still instantaneous; they wouldn't drop in rainy weather or be blown any direction in the wind... I'm all for environmental effects, but I don't think the weather here is really required to be that real.
Well, you can work bullets to travel instantaneously or you can work them physically. The source supports both, but generally you'll want to do it instantly.
Originally posted by crushenator 500
somehow i get the feeling S1ddharthA isnt a buddhist :dozey:
Yup, I'm starting to suspect that too...

Anyways, weather would be cool. And more accuratly simulated weather would be even cooler.

Originally posted by S1ddharthA
also too much rain and hell will
mess up your ability to shoot the enemy properly...[/B]
Yes, but that's what makes it fun ! Having to adjust your fighting techiques because of the weather, not being able to see clearly and not noticing the combine until you're right in front of them!
It all adds to the atmosphere of the game!
Personally, I would enjoy a firefight with a handful of combine soldiers a lot more if rain was hailing down around us, rather then it just being sunny and boring =)
I've got to say I would enjoy a simulated weather system too. Personally I think it would add to the game. The game isn't supposed to be 'Gordon Freeman: The man who shoots anything'. It's supposed to be about freeman trying to survive in as realistic a world as possible. The thing I liked about HL1 was that it required as little suspension of disbelief as possible. You want mindless blasting with as little plot as possible, go play unreal tournament. I'll stick with my perfectly believable world, thank you.
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
its still
bout killing enemys not bout dodging raindrops.
what?? :eek: damnit.. and i was all hyped before :frown:
funnily, i actually think siddhartha has a point, i don't think weather effects should play more than a minor role in gameplay. maybe simulated wet or muddy surfaces should have a minor effect on movement.. "heavy" rain/snow on view distance.. etc.

but it would definitely suck if you are fighting some antlions and you get bonked on the head by a big ball of hail and the the antlions take the opportunity to abuse your dignity.. that's not cool.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
If there were newspapers and leaves on the pavement that were effected by the physics, that would be cool. Like a newspaper is blowing in the wind, gets blown up against a wall and flattens out so you can read it... pointless but would be a cool looking effect.

That would be so awesome! If only HL2 had Splinter Cell like soft body physics :(