HL2 Xbox E3 video

That video made me want to go buy HL2 all over again :|
Well its jus looks normal. What happened to all that advanced lighting they were talking about?
i thought it was going to be some new cool video but no it is not
i was at e3 on opening day, i actually played the xbox version of hl2, and i was extremely disapointed, it was amazing crappy looking, and i was really pissed cuz seeing how doom looks on the xbox and seeing how hl2 looks, i mean it was almost embarrassing cuz i talk about hl2 to my friends from work all the time and when they actually see it in action, it looked like it did. i hope this isnt what the final version looks like, plz plz plz.
Gaahhhhh!!! MY EYES!!! I'm blinded by the crap!!! It's either the quality of the video or the game just has really horrible graphics. They should just make it for the PS3 or 360 or at least something with better graphics and memory.
its just a copy of the pc version which has been modified to run on a console you cant say that because it is being sent to xbox it will make half-life a laughing stock its not right to judge a game by its predecessor if you did no one would look at half-life compaired to half-life 2 as the graphics serpass any seen before
Doesn't look very good. They should've waited for the 360, and release CS:S along with it, for a decent package.
Varsity said:

Not much to see - at this resolution it doesn't look any different to on the PC and there's nothing new.

As greedy as this sounds; GOOD. I really hate it when console releases get extra content over the PC version (See decay for Half-Life: PS2 and Ressurection IV for StarCraft 64 as key examples). Consoles getting it first and then PC's getting it would be okay, but it really bugs the hell out of me when I have to buy ANOTHER copy of a game on a system I don't like playing FPS's on just to play an official addon. :S

If the options are console only new content or just no new content; I'll go for the latter. Took me forever to track down a copy of HL: PS2 once I finally got a PS2. :p
Look at 34 secondsw in the video. Gordon has he revolver, but at that point in the game you only have a regular 9mm :p
Hey, noone said Valve wasn't allowed to cheat too :p :O
I sat there at e3 and watched the game running on the xbox, and have to say I was quite impressed with the way it looked - considering it was xbox. It certainly didn't look 'crap'....better than most xbox games. I applaud them for this.