HL2Central.Net For Sale?


May 13, 2003
Reaction score
It seems that the owner of hl2central.net has unexpectedly decided to throw in the towel. The joint position of owner and director of the site is for sale on ebay.

What does this mean for hl2central.net? Well, anything, depending on who bids the highest. Here's hoping they get a hard working HL2 enthusiast so all their hard work doesn't go to waste.

Check it out, and bid, here...

Update: The site has been removed from sale. Whether this means hl2central.net has found a new buyer or they’ve decided not to sell remains to be seen.
Strange they decided to sell up on eBay of all places. Or maybe it's just me?
I guess its the best way to get free advertising and easiest way to organize the bidding.

Oh ya I love the avatar Pistol. :D
[off topic] I love her too: phwoarr: she's in "24" and in the new movie "Girl Next Door" - and she plays a porn star!!!! /me goes off to bedroom with a packet of kleenex
Elisha Cuthbert can come wherever she wants to :D
Pendragon said:
How did Elisha Cuthbert come into this thread?

Everyone was thinking about Jack Bauer and how cool and leet he is.
Ok back on topic now :)

Hopefully this is just a cruel joke.
I'm breaking the habti and posting here.

I'm buying it!!!
ahem! Yes so anyway, lets hope that HL2Central gets bought by someone who will as enthusiastic about running the site as the current owners.

lol, I feel like i'm intruding in a thread meant for the staff only.
HL2Central had some server and hosting problems. They still have some kinks to work out with their forums.
But they aren't closing.
It appears EL3CTRO has removed the site from ebay now :)

Whether he's changed his mind remains to be seen.
According to what I read, they had their sponsership go through and have been hooked up with unlimited hosting. They are taking collections to renew their domains, but they should be staying a live a little longer.
mmm elisha

/me sets new desktop wallpaper

On a serious note I'm hoping it was simply a rash decision by electro or a (poor) joke
They have found a possible buyer of the site that will remain private for the time being. prices/ other details need to be figured out before the person whom the deal is being made with can be known.
Chewcky said:
They have found a possible buyer of the site that will remain private for the time being. prices/ other details need to be figured out before the person whom the deal is being made with can be known.

Bet Cheney is trying to pitch HL2 to Iraq now among other things :laugh: