HL2CTF Beta 1.4 Release


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
There has been a new version of HL2CTF released, Beta 1.4. For those who aren't acquainted with this MOD, HL2CTF is a continuation on the popular Half Life Mod, Capture the Flag, only now there are more gorgeous looking maps and extra goodies. Here are some images from the Main Menu, CTF_Canals, and CTF_combine.[br]

[br]To download the new HL2CTF Beta 1.4, either visit their homepage, or the Download page.
These images were the only that were provided on their website. Sorry for the extremely small size, but things don't always work out the way we wish :)
They look good, but indeed tiny images...better than none though
Dinkleberry said:
Does anyone know how many servers in the uk are running this?

Erm, none by the look of it in ASE. There is one running version 1.3 though.

Yeh, small images are better than none, true :)
I got to playing HL2CTF and I have to say it is indeed a very decent MOD, although playing sucked because everyone else was better than my playing abilities. There is a lot of room for potential, and hopefuly HL2CTF generates higher traffic rates than it is now.
Pretty cool CTF , looks nice, but servers suck. Laggy as hell.
Well, It depends on where you live. I live in US and the servers are alright.