HL2D to be Distributed Over Steam

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
We reported yesterday that we would finally see Half-Life 2D: Codename Gordon some time this month. (Just as a side note, this isn't the Half-Life 2 that Valve are releasing, but a fan made 2D flash game). Thanks to one of our forum members, Epsi, we can now also confirm that HL2D will also be distributed over Valve's Steam platform once it's released as you can see from this forum post.

This will be quite exciting news for followers of the side-scrolling shooter.

One thing that is quite a worry though is neither groups have the best track record for keeping to release dates, so don't bet your life on it being this month, but I'm sure it will be released at some time before Half-Life 2. Maybe!

For more information on HL2D, check it out here.
You shouldn't give that kinda negativity should you Chris_D?
I can if I think it's a possibility. Valve have delayed a lot of titles, HL2D have missed a lot of dates - Fact.

HL2D may possibly be delayed.
Chris_D said:
I can if I think it's a possibility. Valve have delayed a lot of titles, HL2D have missed a lot of dates - Fact.

HL2D may possibly be delayed.

exactly what I fink
"fink"?! fink??! speak properly lad :p
Delaying games is becoming an Art form. Or somethething... :hmph:
HL2D will be delayed because of a beta leak, due to Biozeminades.
Biozeminade said:
HL2D will be delayed because of a beta leak, due to Biozeminades.

How many times must I spraypaint you?
lol, srry about goin on about that the real half life 2 game would be released, but it seems im the only one who fell for it. aah, who cares it would be delayed...like we didn't heard that before. get used to it already. i did. for a part. otherwise i wouldn't freak out when forgetting to read the stuff around the important things. anyways, whatever. ill just wait a friggin a$$-month longer.

when does summer begin? june 21st? so i can go for some weeks around that so i wouldn't freak out again.

srry for my frustration ..:D