HL2DM downloading jamming at 98%


Veteran Incompetent
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
I often have problems like this, but I've never encountered a situation where a game is stuck at a particular percentage for three full hours :eek:

I've got constant Monitor activity and it insists that it's downloading- it's just that after numerous computer and Steam restarts it refuses to budge. It's only 47 megabytes, so I really don't understand why it's taking so long... gah. Seems to be an awful Steam trend for my downloads to slow down massively once they near their ends...
The standard thing to try for stuck downloads is exiting Steam, removing or deleting a file called ClientRegistry.blob, restarting Steam and hoping it now works.
im getting the same thing. this is really pissing me off. i have removed the clientregistry.blob like 4 times, and reinstalled steam 2, and still the same thing...
edcrab its crackhead123 i added u as a friend an i go into freinds thing n its all japanese an den the next day its empty?! so annoying this is on counterstike
Yeah, Friends annoys the hell out of me sometimes. When it works it's brilliant for finding friends (unsurprisingly), but the half the time it's as buggy as anything. I'll keep an eye out for people ;)

Eventually forced it to complete... restarted Steam a couple of times and tried to run HL2DM- it forced up a progress window (with a timer, yay!) and although it only went as far as 99% before claiming it was complete I was able to finish the actual download after another 30 minutes. I didn't delete anything either, because in the past that's brought me little else but login problems. Dang thing.