HL2DM Mapping...


Oct 8, 2004
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oookiii... so now that the hl2dm is out Id like to make a hl2dm map.. but i cant find the .fgd anywhere... aand i presume it requires it cause by mapping with hl2.fgd theres all npc_gman thingies and stuff.. no opportunities to make 2 different info_player_start for teams... so I need hl2dm.fgd from somewhere. Please enlighten me if i have missed something. But i think it should be out since valve announced the mapping contest too... id be glad if someone would help me on this.
look i have no idea whats happened but all i did was this

use th new mod wizrd -> choose modify half life 2
complete that bit -> and it shold start hammer -> make ur map in that and then copy over the .bsp
You can just make them as Half-Life 2 maps, there arent any speacial entities that need a seperate FGD.
Lobster: Well what about maps where is two teams... team death match... in hl2 entities theres no info_player_start_combine and info_player_start_resistance. so what if im making tdm map?
havent tested it, but i heard teamdm uses all the same spawns, its not like CS:S where you start on certain sides. supposedly the entity to use is info_player_Deathmatch located in the cs.fgd.
I'm making a map that really needs team support anyone figured which entities are needed yet?
Yay, they released the hl2dm fdg. Doesn't look like there are specific team spawn zones :(. This is very disapointing.
yea, just updated and saw that too. i dont think it would be too hard for someone to mod in separate entites though eventually
yeah but if then it'd be a mod. wouldn't be hl2dm anymore.