HL2DM Pro 1.6 Released and ready for download



Hello guys,

The version 1.6 of HL2DM Pro is ready for download. You can grab it here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/downloads.html

For those who don't know, HL2DM Pro is HL2DM with added features. It features both Vanilla/Regular HL2DM gameplay as well as a faster gameplay called Promod. It's all up to you to decide what gameplay you wish to play. Also, HL2DM Pro provides you with a Full Match Management System which makes it very easy to organize clan matches. The Server Admin can entirely decides what mods and settings to enable and even make some features votable or not via the in-game Graphic User Interface.
HL2DM Pro includes also 11 gamemods that can be played with either Regular/Vanilla HL2DM or Promod gameplay such as : Arena, Arcade, Last Team Standing, Capture The Flag, Football and others for you to enjoy.

Here are a few snapshots of the mod :
. Football : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/football.jpg
. Command menu : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/pg_menu.jpg
. Customizable crosshairs : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/xhair.jpg
. Blue flag : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/blue_flag.jpg
. Gauss weapon : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/pg_gauss.jpg
. HL2DM Pro running on de_dust2 : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/de_dust2.jpg

And many more pictures here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/media.html

As usual the version 1.6 brings new features and fixes. Here is a resume of what v1.6 brings to the mod :

* New Game mods : Capture The Flag, CTF Arcade, Domination, Football and Warball.

Football is a mod we have decided to include as the Soccer World Cup will start this summer. Warball is the same as Football except that you can use the weapons to kill the ennemy.

* Customizable crosshairs : you can now select the shape of your crosshair. You can even define your own sprites for each of the weapons. Thus you can use multi colored sprites for your crosshair.

* FOV : you can set the FOV value (there are limits of course) in both Vanilla/Regular HL2DM and Promod.

* Colored text/nicknames : you can use colors in your nicknames and your "Say/Teamsay" binds.

* Drawweapon : you can decide on drawing or not the weapons in your screen. If not, an icon informing you of the weapon you carry on will be displayed.

* Tau Canon/Gauss registration : for Promod users, the gauss registration has been fixed thanks to a full recoding and lots of testing.

* Multi mods maps compliancy : this is a great feature we've added in 1.6. HL2DM Pro natively supports running maps from many mods including : CSS, DODS, Dystopia, HL2CTF, Hidden Source, Battleground 2, Golden Eye, HL2 Assault, Source Forts, Plan Of Attack, Project 22. So if you want to play Arcade in DE_AZTEC, this is possible with HL2DM Pro (picture here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/de_aztec.jpg ).

And there are a lot more in this release. Check in here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/features.html

Well, we really hope you will like it.

Cheers all,

J@nek and RATICIDE
HL2DM Pro Development Team