HL2DM Pro v1.3 released: Gauss and Tweaked bunny


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all,

The version 1.3 of HL2DM Pro is ready for download in our website : http://hl2dmpro.free.fr

This version features 2 major additions to the gameplay :
1. Gauss aka Tau canon : the gauss is one of those weapon that changes drastically the gameplay. It enables fast movements and fire through walls (known as wallgauss).
2. Bunny jump : the movement has been tweaked so that you can gain additional speed depending on your hability to maximize your acceleration in air.

Read the "features" section for more details in our website on this new release.

We hope you will enjoy this new release.

J@nek and RATICIDE

Loads of fun...faster gameplay rox
Always hated those l337 gauss users -_-

But I'll be happy for them lol :p
Yes. It rocks =) Should be run on all HL2DM server just for the match features it packs. And the new fast gameplay is awsome also.
Hurrah :)

I shall hopefully conduct an interview with the HL2DM Pro team soon :)
Downloading it now. I hope the model of the guass is good, like the one in the leaked beta, not that ugly looking on it the video :)
- Gordon
[acts like a n00b] HL2DM Pro?!?! :eek: :eek: What's that?
(then decides to read it, which I SHOULD of done before posting) Ohh. It's only for Clans.
BeaverMon said:
[acts like a n00b] HL2DM Pro?!?! :eek: :eek: What's that?
(then decides to read it, which I SHOULD of done before posting) Ohh. It's only for Clans.
Only for clans? What are you rambling about?
According to their About thing, it's basically for the ease of setting up clan wars (unless I've misread somewhere).
Nevertheless, I don't play HL2DM anymore. I just wanted to know what this Pro thing was.
Sure, it will make clan wars less painful to do, but it it's good for duels and DM also. Both with and without the new gameplay.
Pincus said:
Downloading it now. I hope the model of the guass is good, like the one in the leaked beta, not that ugly looking on it the video :)
- Gordon

Remember to play normal DM as well, i don't particularly feel like updating DM while i still have Vampire to complete.
Jintor said:
Remember to play normal DM as well, i don't particularly feel like updating DM while i still have Vampire to complete.
Thats pretty much my only choice. There are no active players whenever I check the servers for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Pro 1.2/3.
- Gordon
Pincus said:
Thats pretty much my only choice. There are no active players whenever I check the servers for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Pro 1.2/3.
- Gordon
Yah, I downloaded 1.summat a while ago and there were no servers :(
I will d/l 1.3 but can someone tell me where to get the maps and servers please?
Dinkleberry said:
Yah, I downloaded 1.summat a while ago and there were no servers :(
I will d/l 1.3 but can someone tell me where to get the maps and servers please?
AFAIK there are no servers. Sorry :(
- Gordon
There are currently 16 servers.

Activity has picked up quite a bit since 1.3 release.
Pro[pH]et said:
There are currently 16 servers.

Activity has picked up quite a bit since 1.3 release.

Can you please post IP's to those servers? I only have two, and one is locked the other is in the U.S. :/

the unlocked ones i see at the moment :)
I downloaded it last night and had a go. SLAMS in lockdown- nice :)
It's weird how they do it. They want a faster game, yet they place SLAM's on lockdown.. That makes no sense what so ever.
netrex said:
It's weird how they do it. They want a faster game, yet they place SLAM's on lockdown.. That makes no sense what so ever.
Totally agree. I don't like slams. Good idea, just doesn't "fit".
I don't want to be look for red lines every corner a pass. Just gets annoying.
- Gordon
Cmon guys, whats wrong with SLAMS in lockdown in Pro Mode, it is an improvement after all (if you don't want SLAMS then you got normal DM)
Pro has a gun that can shoot through walls and the addition of SLAMS in lockdown in Pro mode imo gives the game a new edge, new tactics etc.
Super SLAM action! Bring it on!!!
Yeah, super action. You have to check every corner you turn before rushing off. WOHO.
totally agree with netrex. Why even add bunnyjumping and the gauss to speed up gameplay and then add in the slams just to completely destroy it again. It makes absolutely no sense. What they should do is remove the Slams from hl2dmpro alltogether, it just doesn't work. Either that, or just remove bj, because with slams, it's pretty useless. Slams work great in vhl2dm, but not in a high speed environment that hl2dmpro presumably wants to create.
Trips worked fine in HLDM, but I'd agree that SLAMs don't work in HL2DM Pro. I don't like the magnum zoom either.
They could make them only work as satchels, not trip mines. Wouldn't mind that at all.
satchels are fine in my book, because you have to actively use them, unlike slams, which you can just place anywhere and then forget about it
oh man, i'd love satchels in pro.. although they could just remove the thing that allows it to attach and walls and such.

That'd be a bit hard I think, though. :)
.syL said:
satchels are fine in my book, because you have to actively use them, unlike slams, which you can just place anywhere and then forget about it
I loved the old Satchel jump tricks too ;(
I would prefer Pro to be exactly like HL2DM with the addition of the tau, LJ and BH. I want all other weapons to be exactly like HL2DM. Otherwise you have changed the game so much that people who really like HL2DM won't want to play it.
Pro[pH]et said:
I would prefer Pro to be exactly like HL2DM with the addition of the tau, LJ and BH. I want all other weapons to be exactly like HL2DM. Otherwise you have changed the game so much that people who really like HL2DM won't want to play it.

I think it works the other way around: If you change only a couple of things, people won't switch over. They might like some of the changes, but it's not worth sacrificing a whole lot bigger community for it. Want proof? steampowered status page :). On the long run, if you really want to get people to play your mod, you either make it unique enough to distinguish itself from its source, or you leave gameplay exactly the way it is and just add match functions and such (like osp).
The sad thing is, HL2DM is dying.. I should know about dying games.. I play op4 ;)
If it still has 600ish servers (like it does now) im happy! :)

And im still learning new things everyday. Like today, a friend found an invisible box on lockdown. :)
This game is pretty fkn fun :D

*EDIT* the only bad thing is, is when you find those diehard fans of the game, and know everything...and can kill you in a heartbeat before you even think. I mean, I'm not too horrible at the game, but it's people like that that caused me to stop playing Half-Lifes deathmatch. They are so good, why are they wasting their time on pub scrubs? He knows he can rape them, I mean...dear god. And I played HL2DM and they were there too, just in larger groups. It sucked :(
Heh - sometimes it's fun to just kick back and do some raping:




Thats's old-skool (I've only been playing online for a year, so I think I'm quite good for that :) )
*EDIT* the only bad thing is, is when you find those diehard fans of the game, and know everything...and can kill you in a heartbeat before you even think. I mean, I'm not too horrible at the game, but it's people like that that caused me to stop playing Half-Lifes deathmatch. They are so good, why are they wasting their time on pub scrubs? He knows he can rape them, I mean...dear god. And I played HL2DM and they were there too, just in larger groups. It sucked.


Im really horrible at hl1-dm, but i'm just fine at hl2dm.

Hit my xfire//aim at Evil8324, and i'll help you. :)
CyberPitz said:
This game is pretty fkn fun :D

*EDIT* the only bad thing is, is when you find those diehard fans of the game, and know everything...and can kill you in a heartbeat before you even think. I mean, I'm not too horrible at the game, but it's people like that that caused me to stop playing Half-Lifes deathmatch. They are so good, why are they wasting their time on pub scrubs? He knows he can rape them, I mean...dear god. And I played HL2DM and they were there too, just in larger groups. It sucked :(

There isn't always anyone at your own level or above that want's to play. Or anyone in the same scene at all, so you have to use public to try to maintain your skill or at least not loose too much.
CyberPitz said:
This game is pretty fkn fun :D

*EDIT* the only bad thing is, is when you find those diehard fans of the game, and know everything...and can kill you in a heartbeat before you even think. I mean, I'm not too horrible at the game, but it's people like that that caused me to stop playing Half-Lifes deathmatch. They are so good, why are they wasting their time on pub scrubs? He knows he can rape them, I mean...dear god. And I played HL2DM and they were there too, just in larger groups. It sucked :(

Playing against experienced players really improves your game