HL2DM Pro v1.5 Released



Hi guys,

The version 1.5 of HL2DM Pro is ready for download. You can get it by clicking on one of our mirrors that you can find in our Downloads page here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/downloads.html

This version is again one step forward in terms of gameplay and functionnalities compared to v1.4 which was already featuring the Gauss aka Tau canon , a tweaked bunny hop movement, brightskins, hitsounds and many other stuffs.

Find below a sublist of what has been added/changed in v1.5 :
. Up to 6 teams at the same time in a game
. Wall jump movement
. Default FOV value can be modified
. Last Team Standing game mode
. Weapons tweaking : gauss, RPG, physcannon
. New variables for your dynamic say/say_team messages : %w (current weapon), %d (last dropped weapon)
. SLAM and physcannon exploit fixed
. ...
And lots of other features. Check the Features section for more details.

The version 1.5 is also a step forward in terms of server administration. We have included an Administration GUI that enables a RCON owner to control what features (i.e. gamemodes, settings (friendly fire, wall gauss, ...), time limits, ...) are allowed on his owned server.

We really hope that you'll have some great fun playing this new version of HL2DM Pro. Also, you can have a look at how HL2DM Pro is intense and also have a look at the movements tricks by viewing AVIs that have been done by fans here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/downloads.html

Also, we organize a 1o1 and a 3o3 tournaments. If you are interested, do not hesitate to register in our forums threads :
. 1o1 : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=141
. 3o3 : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=142

Have fun guys !

HL2DM Pro Development team
Looks cool, downloading it now, I'm glad you support my favourite map - Avalon.

May I ask, whats this walljump?
It is the ability to jump on wall. For example you do a gauss jump and in the air and near a wall you can jump again :)