HL2DM Pro v1.6.1 released and ready for download




Get it here : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/downloads.html

As you may know, the version 1.6 introduced very innovating features including customizable crosshairs, new game modes (CTF, Football, ...) and the capability to play hl2dmpro with maps coming from other very popular and very well done mods (CS:S, DOD:S, Dystopia, HL2CTF, Hidden Source, ...) without even having to modify them.

Check the media section to see some screenshots : http://www.hl2dmpro.com/media.html

With such an amount of features, we've not catched a few critical bugs. This is why we've worked pretty hard to make this patch that do (hopefully) fixes all the identified bugs.

Also, we've tuned the gauss power and we have also changed the message in CTF/CTF Arcade/Football/Warball gamemodes so that the name of the scorer is displayed and finally we have tweaked a few other stuffs.

Well, we hope you will like it as much as we do ;-)

J@nek and RATICIDE
HL2DM Pro Development Team