I have a problem running HL2DM, and request any help at all. When playing, every minute or so, the game sort of freezes for a few seconds. Looking at the net_graph, there is an actual gap in readout as this happens. It's very frustrating. A few things:
It seems to happen in any server, with any amount of people. It also seems to happen whether there is "action" going on around me or not.
Also, when it happens, my weapons inventory will briefly appear on the right side of the screen.
My system is a P4 3.0 GHz w/512MB RAM. Video card is an ATI Radeon 8500DV. I had no problems with the HL2 game. My internet connection is a DSL.
Things I've tried:
Reinstalled the game (again!)
Gave low priority to steam.exe
set cl_smooth 0
set cl_cmdrate 40
set cl_updaterate 40
set rate 9999
(the last 3 I've tried various settings, all to no avail!)
Also, I've noticed this error pop up in the console screen on occasion:
Performance warning: Mark bone 'ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH ' in model 'Combine_Soldier.mdl' as being used by bone merge in the .qc!
Any help? Any help at all???
It seems to happen in any server, with any amount of people. It also seems to happen whether there is "action" going on around me or not.
Also, when it happens, my weapons inventory will briefly appear on the right side of the screen.
My system is a P4 3.0 GHz w/512MB RAM. Video card is an ATI Radeon 8500DV. I had no problems with the HL2 game. My internet connection is a DSL.
Things I've tried:
Reinstalled the game (again!)
Gave low priority to steam.exe
set cl_smooth 0
set cl_cmdrate 40
set cl_updaterate 40
set rate 9999
(the last 3 I've tried various settings, all to no avail!)
Also, I've noticed this error pop up in the console screen on occasion:
Performance warning: Mark bone 'ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH ' in model 'Combine_Soldier.mdl' as being used by bone merge in the .qc!
Any help? Any help at all???