HL2Studio v1.4 Final



Added in Release v1.4 Final:
1-HL2Studio is now beta.

2-MDL and VTF Quick view. Associate .vft and .mdl to hl2studio and view them through file explorer.
3-Added offline hard disk support, now .mdl and .vtf files can be viewed from un-archived sources.
4-MDL model view. All model types supported, multitexture, and simple shader support
5-MDL model UV view.
6-MDL library view. View 4, 16, and 64 models at a time (64 models can require up to 700Meg of RAM).
7-Alpha images viewable in VTF view.
8-Counter-Strike source models, and all other models now fully suported.
9-DEBUG mode.

10-note: Steam is not required to run HL2 Studio, or HL2 QuickView.

Fixes/Changes/Workarounds in Release v1.4 Final:
1-Animated textures are properly viewed.
2-VTF,VMT click of death crash bug fixed.
3-Export bug fixed (files following a sub-directory would be placed in last directory).
4-File IO resource leak fixed.
5-Workaround for MS Win32 function \"GetLogicalDrives\" failure, when disconnecting network drives.
6-Workaround for OpenAL crash bug not detecting an audio device properly. \"AL=1\" flag added to hl2studio.ini file.
7-UI Change, single click required to expand/collapse branch in treeview.
8-Models with 'Fixup-Tables' fully supported.
9-Models properly centered to view.
10-Mouse navigation in MDL viewer added.
11-MDL view UI complete.
12-MDL Library view complete.
13-Camera dolly working properly.
14-Fixed sub-directory visual anomalies in dialogs


ps: Please let me know if you are experiencing any problems, your help can only make hl2studio a better application.

oh man this is what ive been waiting for for a long time, thank you man
Being over a year old...I'll be he gave up paying on it :p