Hlaf Life 2 Missing levels & guns!!



I don't know if this is just me or a case for everybody. If you have seen the Half Life 2 Movies then you will know what i'm on about. In the traptown video, i have found nothing thats like that in the game whatso every, the only resembiling part is in Ravenholm and there are a few zombies and you have to go off to the right rather then left up the stairs! also in the E3 videos when it lowers you in to City 17, that doesn't happen. Also has anybody seen the water monster that can spear people??!

Weapons, I have got a stun stick but not been able to use it, e.g. killed a guy and used E to pick up the stick! it wont go into inventry.
No Sniper Rifel
No Flare Gun (even with impulse 101)

If you have had simmilar experiences please tell me!! or if its a prob i have! p.s I have alredy re-downloaded game and used the cache verify thing on steam.
They just made a lot of changes since E3 2003. They made a lot of changes since E3 2004, too. Or so it seems.
Also there are numerous screenshots of Alyx wearing what appears to be a wet suit with a jacket.

You can see her wearing it in the end of the 'tunnels' video with the hydras (which also is not included)
We really really really really need to make a sticky about this :upstare:
A lot of thinngs were changed indeed, next to that I think some of those movies where made only to demonstrate, would be a boring part if everyone knew exactly what was going to happen. Cause (almost) everybody knew the movies...
Um game design isnt static, things get changed around. The videos were made over a year ago.
Exactly what fun would it be if you were to say to yourself "Oh this is the part in the Binks where yadda yadd yadda and next blah blah blah is gonna happen".

Better to be fresh! :)
Dr.breen said:
Also there are numerous screenshots of Alyx wearing what appears to be a wet suit with a jacket.

You can see her wearing it in the end of the 'tunnels' video with the hydras (which also is not included)

That was shown early in 2003 screenshots plus the 2003 teaser trailer.

since late 2003 she was wearing the black mesa sweatshirt
UKchaos2 said:
Um game design isnt static, things get changed around. The videos were made over a year ago.

But why take out the XM29 auto rifle, that weapon was just mint ;(
But why take out the XM29 auto rifle, that weapon was just mint ;(

Because the US military cancelled the project :cheese:
I mis a SAW kind of weapon. And a normal sniper rifle, but less then a heavy support weapon. :)
Hmmmm...I thought they had dropped it in favor of the XM8. Guess I was wrong :)
I was talking to Shuzer and he made a good point, I think that most of the stuff for 2003 E3 were made just for E3 and were not going to be in the game from the start. I mean, the whole docks scene, traptown, and hydras were probably all just eyecandy made for E3 alone.

Who knows.
I think thats a little silly because traptown and the docks bit were like the most exciting bits :)
You can check this out that I posted for other forum.

I never have seen that blue glow monster in HL2 and nice clothes for Alyx
Who are those masked people?
Where the hell that weapon come from?
It looks badass enough, too bad it wasnt in the game.
Where can I play that level?
What a quite action there.
Truly a nice physic there.
Where is that AI in current HL2?
Looks like fun!?
(Awesome Level Design, I wasted my money because I was forwarding to play that level)