hm, about the rc


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
to test the whole thing, wouldnt it take like 2 weeks or so? because of the fact they have to play thought the whole sp, and mp, and css, and hl source, that would take like 2-4 weeks in my guess
Yes, quite possibly - as has been discussed in all of the other RC threads :|
Not based on what we know. They could test the single player in a few hours if they get 20 or so testers.
well, the single player for me took a few days, and i dont think guys at vu plays game good, so might take longer
then your stupid, VU have people that are paid to play test, ranging from average, to hard core gamers. On many diffrent spec systems. Half Life can be completed in 2 days if the person has played it a few times before. Also im sure they sometimes turn on god mode and impulse 101 to get thru a hard place.
OmegaBlue said:
then your stupid, VU have people that are paid to play test, ranging from average, to hard core gamers. On many diffrent spec systems. Half Life can be completed in 2 days if the person has played it a few times before. Also im sure they sometimes turn on god mode and impulse 101 to get thru a hard place.

Half-Life can be completed in a matter of hours if you have played it before. Hell, that one guy beat it in under an hour (although, he was insane and knew all the maps in and out, and all the exploits, and all that jazz).
OmegaBlue said:
then your stupid, VU have people that are paid to play test, ranging from average, to hard core gamers. On many diffrent spec systems. Half Life can be completed in 2 days if the person has played it a few times before. Also im sure they sometimes turn on god mode and impulse 101 to get thru a hard place.

All you do OmegaBlue is flame people and call them stupid. I seriously feel compelled to report almost every one of your posts. Please start acting with a little maturity or go away.
i remember than when i finished supermetriod in 17minutes and 32 seconds it was a big thing...
Im sure the dont have every tester play through the whole game...

What they probably do is have differnt people play differnt parts in the game.. I might be wrong but it sounds logical to me.
cadaveca said:
i remember than when i finished supermetriod in 17minutes and 32 seconds it was a big thing...

Please. You can't beat SM in 17 minutes, it's simply not possible.
they probebly give 1 level to eatch tester and if there job is playing games i think there probebly pretty good at it
OmegaBlue said:
then your stupid
It never fails to amuse me whenever I see somebody post "your stupid", "your ignorant", etc... It really makes the poster look stupid.


Main Entry: your
: of or relating to you especially as possessor

Main Entry: you're
: you are
ktimekiller said:
well, the single player for me took a few days, and i dont think guys at vu plays game good, so might take longer

They won't just all play from start to finish. They'd just have many testers testing each of the maps.
f|uke said:
It never fails to amuse me whenever I see somebody post "your stupid", "your ignorant", etc... It really makes the poster look stupid.


Main Entry: your
: of or relating to you especially as possessor

Main Entry: you're
: you are

Your stupid? No, that's MY stupid!
Shuzer said:
Please. You can't beat SM in 17 minutes, it's simply not possible.

uh, actually, the record time is like 13 minutes some odd.
you can burn through that game and skip all the extra items...kill 3 bosses that takes about 8 minutes...then the travel to metriod and the trip back out the longest. Each boss can be killed with 6 shots well placed..minor if you ask me. Got me in Nintendo Power...i'll try to dig up the issue and post it somewhere.
cadaveca said:
uh, actually, the record time is like 13 minutes some odd.
you can burn through that game and skip all the extra items...kill 3 bosses that takes about 8 minutes...then the travel to metriod and the trip back out the longest. Each boss can be killed with 6 shots well placed..minor if you ask me. Got me in Nintendo Power...i'll try to dig up the issue and post it somewhere.

Best time: 0:36 by 'Smokey' on 15.06.04.

You lose. :)

Scan it and prove it and I'll believe you, until then, I believe you're sorely mistaken.
The original poster is quite right.

Also what I don't think people understand is that not only are they testing for bugs but also stability. So no they can't just play it for a few hours and go, "ok this game is cool and fun and no serious crashes, send it out". It has to be stable so thats why they set the 72 hour limit. Like the original post stated you have 3 different games basically, being QA'd. All have to be 'stable' for a set amount of hours/days.
dah..made you not think about Hl2 for a while...oh..and getting to one of the first google results is no thing dudes...try checking sites BEFORE 2000...or email NINTENDO POWER. really...

i love kids that just have to be best....maybe the world WILL get better with gen "neXt"
cadaveca said:
and getting to one of the first google results is no thing dudes...try checking sites BEFORE 2000...or email NINTENDO POWER. really...
We didnt google that. PlanetQuake's Speed Demos Archive is the place for people into that stuff. If you could really shave 20 minutes off these guys time, I think they'd really like to know about it.
killahsin-[CE] said:
The original poster is quite right.

Also what I don't think people understand is that not only are they testing for bugs but also stability. So no they can't just play it for a few hours and go, "ok this game is cool and fun and no serious crashes, send it out". It has to be stable so thats why they set the 72 hour limit. Like the original post stated you have 3 different games basically, being QA'd. All have to be 'stable' for a set amount of hours/days.

Yeah but 2-4 weeks is an overestimate.
f|uke said:
We didnt google that. PlanetQuake's Speed Demos Archive is the place for people into that stuff. If you could really shave 20 minutes off these guys time, I think they'd really like to know about it.

well, guess i gotta dust off the snes and give 'er a go again...seriously dude... i made that time, but i'm 27 now, with 2 kids...back then i was still in highschool. grade 11 i think! Now i have something to do until HL2 comes out, gaming wise! Oh, the burning thumbs!

Does anyone really into gaming play consoles anymore? i mean, back was pretty much the same...myst and descent were king! Turbographix16! neogeo!omg...far off topic.
You're telling me you did this 10 years ago, when you were 17 and in highscool? Super Metroid came out in 1994, so you must have done it following the game's release, yet you said check pre-2000 sites. Something doesn't add up there? :|
72 workings hours is about 2 weeks of work, I reckon they'll probably give 1-5 SP maps to each tester and have im search every nook and cranny and play it in every different way possible to search for any major bugs and then probably shuffle them to make any bias their might be disapear.

As for the MP... they're just going to 'play test' it for a few years until one of them remembers that he needs to eat and goes 'um isn't this ment to be availble to the public?'
Shuzer said:
You're telling me you did this 10 years ago, when you were 17 and in highscool? Super Metroid came out in 1994, so you must have done it following the game's release, yet you said check pre-2000 sites. Something doesn't add up there? :|

how so? i was born 1977. i bought metroid the day it came out. nintendo even had a competition for fastest completion.

maybe i remember wrong, and the time is longer, but i don't think so.
cadaveca said:
how so? i was born 1977. i bought metroid the day it came out. nintendo even had a competition for fastest completion.

maybe i remember wrong, and the time is longer, but i don't think so.

Now I'm confused.. are you talking about Metroid or Super Metroid? I believe you COULD beat Metroid in a ridiculously low amount of time, but there is absolutely no possible way you could beat Super Metroid in 17 minutes.
You didn't beat Super Metroid in 17 mins, maybe you're thinking of the original Metroid? It is physically impossible to do so.
if you guys are gonna keep talkin about frickin metroid shit please go start another thread. good lord...