hmm help with XSI : Spitifire WIP


May 17, 2003
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Well just trying to get a hang of XSI, and well... i think i got a hang of the modelling part kinda ok...BUT

well look at the attatched pic... it has everything that is not cut 90 degrees out, and smoothes it out... me don't like :/

well take a look
and the wireframe...look at the difference ..i want the edges to be hard and stuff :)
errm im net sure what ur saying, but i think that wat u want is for stuff to look like a sharp, but smooth edge. if thats wat u mean, move the vertices closer to the edge, instead of having them in the middle. this seems too simple to be a reply.
huh, i dont get it...closer to the edge?...but what i want is correct, but what do you mean?
Yeah I've not figured out a perfect way to edit normals in XSI, it generally assumes you are working in an organic model, there are two ways to fix this:

One is to hit '8', find the object you want to have hard edges, open it up and double click on geometry aproximation, say yes to creating a local copy, then go to the polygon mesh tab, and play with the Discontinuity till you like it. (to note here is also where you can play with subdivision surfaces a bit, but generally you don't want that with inorganic models)

The other is to select the lines you want to be hard, and RMB on them and select 'Make Hard Edge/Vertex'. (you can also get to this by going to modify->component-> Make Hard Edge/Vertex).

Your third option is to go to modify->poly. mesh->bevel components. This will add more geometry but it will create a harder edge, that generally looks nice than a hard vertex edge.

Also though I haven't played with it you could try using the 'Set Vertex/Edge Crease Value' though that may just be for patches not polygons.

There is probably a way to directly edit the normals, I just haven't found any, reference to it in documention, or on the XSI exp forum.
yeah the hard edges is a good one to keep in mind too, and as it turns out 'Set Vertex/Edge Crease Value' is for working with IK not normals.