Hmmmm...More City 17 Theories


May 9, 2004
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This is from over at HL2 World (it was originally posted by Fragmaster)

Before what the Russians call "The Great Patriotic War," (WWII) they had developed a number of cities that had no names. The cities were given numerical names, such as Shkotovo-17 a.k.a. "City-17." These cities served as a kind of camoflauge over Russia's military research facilities where they would develop military technology. These numbered cities exist today, although the numbers have been removed from them on the map (Shkotovo-17 is now called "Shkotovo.")

Located inside Shkotovo-17 is a shipyard by the name of:

Zvezda Shipyard
Zvezda, a sprawling military shipyard at Bolshoi Kamen, is a subordinate facility of Dalzavod. The Zvezda Shipyard repairs Russian Navy nuclear-powered submarines, but the government has said that it will also repair conventional attack submarines sold to foreign navies, as well as build and repair merchant vessels. Zvezda is used to repair second-generation submarines, and the staff and equipment are preparing for the fourth-generation subs. In 1998 the 190 million rubles earmarked for Zvezda to repair submarines was slashed to just 6 million. The submarine construction complex, with 3,000 workers, also repairs navy and private vessels and builds smaller boats.

This could explain the shipyards in City-17. It is possibly where this screenshot takes place:

All of the capsized and marooned ships that you see in Half-Life 2 could be abandoned MERCHANT ships that were undergoing repairs or construction by the Zvezda Shipyard located in Shkotovo-17, or "City-17." At the time of the Combine's invasion, the shipyard may have been abandoned and some kind of quake beached the ships.

There are also maps of these "Secret cities." The map shows "Shkotovo" near the Sea of Japan where the Russians reportedly dumped Nuclear waste from their nuclear submarines.

Using the maps i found of the secret cities, I observed the features of the area where Shkotovo-17 (City-17) is located. I went into my geography textbook and found the location of Shkotovo-17 in relation to the rest of eastern Asia/Europe.

Shkotovo-17 or "City-17" is located just above North Korea on the coast of the Sea of Japan. I think this is the location of City-17 in the game as well.

Shkotovo-17 in real life is roughly 132 degrees East longitude and 40 degrees North Lattitude. It is for sure in Russian territory just above North Korea near a major Russian city by the name of Vladivostock. The Zvezda Shipyard is inside the real life City-17 just outside of Vladivostock, Russia. I don't know why valve would say that their game takes place in city-17 in western europe, because there is a REAL city-17 in Eastern Russia, only it was referred to as Shkotovo-17 by the Russian government during the cold war.

Here is a small news report about Shkotovo-17 (city-17) residents saying that they do not want a nuclear waste proccesing facility. The Zvezda Shipyard is also mentioned in the article, proving even more evidence that this is the same City-17 that HL2 takes place in.

Here is an informational page on the secret cities that Russia has used for developing miltary technology. If you look on the list of city names, Shkotovo-17 is on there, and it is the one where the Zvezda Shipyard is located. All cities that begin with "Shkotovo" are within driving distance of each other on the maps I found.

You will note some inaccuracies where he says Valve stated that City 17 was in Western Europe while Valve CLEARLY said that it's in Eastern Europe - if this is the case, then the confusion continues as anywhere near Vladivostock is not Europe, but Asia.
wrong forum buddy, this should go in rumour and speculation

EDIT: damn.. that badger bloke is fast :D
Lol, I could have sworn I heard that here first. Thanks Sprafa, this is good news, I'm not going insane.
Yeah its already been confirmed

City 17 and Shkotovo-17 is just a huge coincidence