:hmph: an easier way?


Dec 21, 2004
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i was thinking of making a completly destructable wall... not like a func_breakable but using a bunch of func_physbox enities but keeping them held together untill damaged... i realise that this might need to use a phys_constraint for each one... is there an easier way than that to keep them held together untill damaged such as disable motion and for an output on damaged (name) enable motion. but then i have to name each one.... anyone know an easier way right now?
Select them all, give them all the same name, then enablemotion when damaged? Or, even better, a single invisible func_breakable (without gibs, of course) in front of the physboxes that enables their motion when it breaks.
well i was thinking of not having the whole thing break apart or enable motion when damaged only the actual piece that was damaged or mabe the surrounding areas mabe more smaller invisable patches would work ?