Hocker that took all my money

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Dec 29, 2004
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Me and my gf picked a hotel room to you know, " wie wie " and then we kinda got into a fight and she ran away. I got mad and had a couple of beers, a second later i had ordered a hocker to my room. Once she came delivered she drew my pants off and grabbed my penis, she did something so it hurted as hell. I had to go to the bathroom and check it, once i came out she was gone, aswell as my money was.

What should i do, im only 17 so i cant call the cops since everyone will know that i bought a ****ing hocker.
Holy ****ing crap :|
Can you remember what she looked like?
Seriously, you got mother f****g owned to the max.
This is the only time I'm going to agree with Solaris.

-Angry Lawyer
I remember the days when Garfield threads were about "how to get a gf plz??"

He's come a long way since then.

PS just call the police, you probably didn't actually do anything illegal in that a hooker mugged you.
is that the same thing as a hooker? or is hocker something completely different.
Are you on the internet in your hotel room now? Or did she steal your laptop too?
of course i know what she looks like, she was so damn hot. but she took all my 120€. There might be nothing i can do, atleast she had her hands on my dick :D
Is this a joke?

EDIT: Find the hooker, ram a knife up her snatch and cut her all the way to her neck, then find another.
I orignially thought it was a miss-spell of hacker.
But then enter the Penis grabbing.
kirovman said:
Are you on the internet in your hotel room now? Or did she steal your laptop too?

No im home, it was only for one night.
Oh yeah, i'm sure that a thief having her hands on your wedding tackle was so worth €120.

Wait till you get to america, that'll be €1200.
Im not sure I trust a guy who cant spell *Hooker*,but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
im from sweden not america, hooker or hocker is the same for me
My sister said cheers for the €120. Just gotta change it to pounds now.
I find this a hillarious thread. TWINKIE HOUSE! /me punches Simonomis

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I find this a hillarious thread. TWINKIE HOUSE! /me punches Simonomis

-Angry Lawyer

aww you dumb, you should feel sorry for me. that money may not be much for you but for me it was, and it was for my gf b-day present. Now all she gets is a bounch of flowers, all i can afford :/
I read the title as "hockey that took all my money" :o

oh btw angry lawyer, I wanna hear your ghost story :O

It is HOOKER. You dumb shit.
whatever skamrock, it doesnt matter since thats not important now, the important is that i lost my ****ing shitty money and all i got was a woman touching my dick for 10 secs.
Did you miss this Shamrock?
Garfield_ said:
im from sweden not america, hooker or hocker is the same for me

Stay away from hockers :O
Garfield_ said:
whatever skamrock, it doesnt matter since thats not important now, the important is that i lost my ****ing shitty money and all i got was a woman touching my dick for 10 secs.

Your fault..GET OVER IT!!
Garfield_ said:
whatever skamrock, it doesnt matter since thats not important now, the important is that i lost my ****ing shitty money and all i got was a woman touching my dick for 10 secs.
You deserved it tbh.
Garfield_ said:
okey, this was just a joke ;D
Yey now I can laugh at you without feeling guilty \0/

Garfield_ said:
eew thats nothing new i suppose, everyone hates me here :D

I would have hated you more if you actually did ditch your girlfriend for some hooker...and even your girlfriend was a joke too wasn't it?
short recoil said:
The whole thing was a joke, even the girlfriend part, that's sad.
I believe "lawl pwnt" is in order here :p
dream431ca said:
I would have hated you more if you actually did ditch your girlfriend for some hooker...and even your girlfriend was a joke too wasn't it?

yes i have no gf for now, though id never even think about thinking of a hooker =)

EDIT: this is a good idea for my song " The hooker took my money " :D
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