Holding back in punchs


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I don't think I've ever hit anyone full-force. I always hold back, even when I go into a rage I always hold back at the last moment (I know this seems contradictory but it's true). My father and brother have often to told me to hit them in the arm/stomache as hard as I can (for multiple reasons, not going into it) and especialy for them I cannot hit them full force.

Funnily as a result there many people think that I'm quite week from what they think is me hitting them as hard as I can.

It worries me slightly sometimes that I may get into a fight where my life is actualy at stake and will not be able to fight back as much as I'd like.

Does anyone else experience this?
i used to, but what helped me was thinking that the guy i was about to hit killed everyone i loved; and let me tell you, works like a charm
Nope, don't find much and when I do I'm as clumsy as anyone. But I go in to an uncontrollable rage where I just keep pounding and pounding. Like I trow away every shred of humanity and just savegly attack. But then again I only fight whne really necesairy, I do not engage in fights for fun or to prove my manliness, in those situations I would probably not hit them when they are down or something like that.
When you're in a point where you're expected to fight, strike them unawares. Punches are mid-game maneuvers. If you've not got some sort of formal fighting training, something as simple as a quick elbow to the throat will suffice to tip the scales wildly in your favour.

In a situation where you're attacked, don't bother being honourable. Honourable fighting's for boxing. Hit them in the adam's apple.

-Angry Lawyer
Better yet, the groin. Hitting them in the throat, their chin gets in the way.


The groin is a great target...other targets are throat, armpit, eyes...
Angry Lawyer said:
When you're in a point where you're expected to fight, strike them unawares. Punches are mid-game maneuvers. If you've not got some sort of formal fighting training, something as simple as a quick elbow to the throat will suffice to tip the scales wildly in your favour.

In a situation where you're attacked, don't bother being honourable. Honourable fighting's for boxing. Hit them in the adam's apple.

-Angry Lawyer
I agree but even then, kicking someone is the balls or something I find myself veering off and hitting their leg. I just can't f*cking hurt people (seriously), take that Jack Thompson!
Just remember to step into them. You don't kick someone in the groin - too much chance of missing. Step in and bring your knee up sharply.

-Angry Lawyer
Don't punch them then.........headbutt them like i do, mighty wez style.
Angry Lawyer said:
Just remember to step into them. You don't kick someone in the groin - too much chance of missing. Step in and bring your knee up sharply.

-Angry Lawyer
It's not that I can't physicaly, it's that I can't mentaly.
short recoil said:
Don't punch them then.........headbutt them like i do, mighty wez style.

Not a good idea for most people. Unless you really know what you're doing, you'll probably hurt yourself more than you will them. Unless you butt their nose.

-Angry Lawyer
Someone said aim for the Arm pits, why and how do you manage that?

I've never been in a fight but seeing them, some people dive straight in and grab you, basiclly giving you no room to swing. They just keep pushing into you. Any tips?
Your armpits are quite sensitive targets. I've been jabbed in the armpit before, it hurts.

A good time to hit someone there is if they punch and miss, their arm is already extended. Just jab your hand up in there and VOILA! They are moaning and groaning.


I've never been in a fight but seeing them, some people dive straight in and grab you, basiclly giving you no room to swing. They just keep pushing into you. Any tips?
Knee strikes FTW!
I disagree with some of you giving pointers to someone you don't even know personally on how to punch, maim, or even kill someone.

The best way to not get hurt in a fight, is to run. If you stay to fight, then it means you want to show someone you can beat them. Honor yourself. And stay safe.
K e r b e r o s said:
I disagree with some of you giving pointers to someone you don't even know personally on how to punch, maim, or even kill someone.

The best way to not get hurt in a fight, is to run. If you stay to fight, then it means you want to show someone you can beat them. Honor yourself. And stay safe.
sometimes you have no choice, it maybe with someone that keeps bothering you every day, and running will just delay it. In that case the only reason to run would be to get a weapon or better position from which to strike.
Mutley said:
Someone said aim for the Arm pits, why and how do you manage that?

I've never been in a fight but seeing them, some people dive straight in and grab you, basically giving you no room to swing. They just keep pushing into you. Any tips?
Bend your knees to lower your center of gravity then spring to the right. Since most people are right handed, you will be taking much of the edge off of their right handed swing. Proven.

One of the easiest techniques is to put your respective arm up in an L shape (look on the web for pictures of how to block)
to block a bunch to the face, and to do a stomach-sucking-in type jump backwards if you are positive they are going to punch you in your stomach. If you block a punch they are wide-open to a massive counter-punch.

Also, you never want to step backwards, step to the right and sort of bounce. Starting with a quick left right punch to the stomach then some punches to the face.

Ducking is magic and sets you up perfectly to throw some really sharp punches to the stomach. Getting hit in the stomach can totally cripple an opponent and leave him on the floor.

Try to punch further than they are, like you don't give a **** if you break your hand, just let it go. Punch through their weak facial bones like drywall. Make sure to put them in a headlock as soon as possible to end the fight. Get him to scream for mercy then you can say, OK now don't ever **** with me again, and let them go. They will be WHIPPED, and will not **** with you so you will be free to walk away like a bad ass with fans cheering.

Now do not ever gloat in their face after the fight. Don't claim that they are a little pussy and they are weak or they will get up and try again. Just be glad you won and that you didn't get hurt.

Last but most importantly: Tighten your fist so much that your knuckles turn lighter. As tight as you can make a fist. This is ultimate damage and least painful for you. This is hard to teach yourself to do but is absolutely necessary to avoid breaking your hand and to aid in breaking facial bones.
sometimes you have no choice, it maybe with someone that keeps bothering you every day, and running will just delay it. In that case the only reason to run would be to get a weapon or better position from which to strike.

I think its too easy to justify the, 'I had no choice factor'. Fights provide excitement and an exhilerating way to test someone against someone else. But the fact about fights is this -- they never go as you want to.

I still also disgree with people here teaching someone how to maim, disable, or kill a person. What if he gets mad one day and comes after you? What knowledge have you gaven him that he can use against you then?

If this person wants to learn how to fight, then he needs to go to a martial arts programme to be properly disciplined. I'd recommend Mubai Shilat or Krav Maga.
ríomhaire said:

It worries me slightly sometimes that I may get into a fight where my life is actualy at stake and will not be able to fight back as much as I'd like.

Does anyone else experience this?

yes. but it wouldnt happen in that situation. if you honestly beleived your life was in danger (either consciously or subconsciously) youd pwn ass!!!
or get ya butt kicked, either way ur brain wudnt let you hold back
yes. but it wouldnt happen in that situation. if you honestly beleived your life was in danger (either consciously or subconsciously) youd pwn ass!!!
or get ya butt kicked, either way ur brain wudnt let you hold back

Exactly. I don't think the forum needs to give someone pointers on how to kill someone or injure them. Personally, I think talks like these need to be restrained. When people hear of these methods, they may employ them wether on offensive or defensive intentions. I believe such knowledge should only be gained through personal interest, and such knowledge be taught only be an instructor who knows how to properly instruct a balance betwixt discipline, restraint, and the skill needed to defend oneself.
Just make sure to clench your fist tightly and paint his face with you knuckles not your fingers.
Best two knuckles to hit with are your index and middle knuckles.
Try not to hit with the other two but if you do, who cares. At least you hit him.

At the end of your punch, twist your arm. It makes a screwdriver motion, digs further. You can do up to an inch and a half of internal damage if you add the twist.

AFAIK your skull is a CM or so thick, so... I could be wrong though.

Another thing:
Always aim BEHIND where you want your punch to hit. You want your punch to go THROUGH your target.
Think of it your fist as a car. Does the car have most momentum when it's going 90 mph on a highway, or when it's coming up to a stop light?

The answer is obvious, and the same principle applies.

Another thing, let him throw the first strike, block it, then after that, be as aggressive as possible.
And the person who wins the fight isn't the one with the most skill or experience, it's the one with the most willpower.
Willpower > training. Though given equal willpower the person with better training will win (obviously)
This isn't true 100% of the time but under most circumstances you can count on it.
It's fairly hard to get me to fight you but if it comes down to it you're ****ed. Fighting is stupid to me and when it happens it's not something someone just should be able to walk away from.

edit: boxing is different or messing around- obviously that's not in the same spirit though haha
What's all this "fists" buisiness, doesn't anyone use guns anymore?

Seriously, buy a punching bag or something, just to get the feel of punching as hard as you can, then when you fight, you'll be used to punching hard.
I fought in 8th grade in the bathroom and 9th grade on the bus and neither time I hit the person as hard as I could. So I have kinda the same mental complexion as you when it comes to these things
Are we talking fighting strategies?

first off, intimidation is key. Rip off your shirt, and establish as soon as possible that this foo' don't wanan mess with this. Smashing windows is effective. Especially with your face.

Open with a head butt. Always. Skip all this pussy, pushing-around shit. If he gets close, give him a skull to the nose, with your full weight behind it.

If that doesn't knock him out, go for bony areas, specifically the side of the ribcage under the arm, the collarbone, and the tailbone. A quick jab, bringing your knuckles down hard, a swift kick.

To compliment the bony bits, go for the soft danglies. Steel-toed boots FTW.

Wear rings. Big ones.

Sound too violent? sorry. This is my way. If the guy can actually get me angry enough to wanna fight, I'm seriously gonna **** that guy up.
Que-Ever said:
Are we talking fighting strategies?

first off, intimidation is key. Rip off your shirt, and establish as soon as possible that this foo' don't wanan mess with this. Smashing windows is effective. Especially with your face.

Open with a head butt. Always. Skip all this pussy, pushing-around shit. If he gets close, give him a skull to the nose, with your full weight behind it.

If that doesn't knock him out, go for bony areas, specifically the side of the ribcage under the arm, the collarbone, and the tailbone. A quick jab, bringing your knuckles down hard, a swift kick.

To compliment the bony bits, go for the soft danglies. Steel-toed boots FTW.

Wear rings. Big ones.

Sound too violent? sorry. This is my way. If the guy can actually get me angry enough to wanna fight, I'm seriously gonna **** that guy up.

Lol, sounds like you've been on roids.
ríomhaire said:
I agree but even then, kicking someone is the balls or something I find myself veering off and hitting their leg. I just can't f*cking hurt people (seriously), take that Jack Thompson!

Then don't.
If you're in a life-threatening situation, chances are fighting back isn't the best way to deal with the situation.
I can see how this got a bit re-railed but I wasn't looking for fighting advice, more like how many people actualy experience something like this...
Twist your hand around before you punch.

Physics bitch.
VirusType2 said:
Bend your knees to lower your center of gravity then spring to the right. Since most people are right handed, you will be taking much of the edge off of their right handed swing. Proven.

One of the easiest techniques is to put your respective arm up in an L shape (look on the web for pictures of how to block)
to block a bunch to the face, and to do a stomach-sucking-in type jump backwards if you are positive they are going to punch you in your stomach. If you block a punch they are wide-open to a massive counter-punch.

Also, you never want to step backwards, step to the right and sort of bounce. Starting with a quick left right punch to the stomach then some punches to the face.

Ducking is magic and sets you up perfectly to throw some really sharp punches to the stomach. Getting hit in the stomach can totally cripple an opponent and leave him on the floor.

Try to punch further than they are, like you don't give a **** if you break your hand, just let it go. Punch through their weak facial bones like drywall. Make sure to put them in a headlock as soon as possible to end the fight. Get him to scream for mercy then you can say, OK now don't ever **** with me again, and let them go. They will be WHIPPED, and will not **** with you so you will be free to walk away like a bad ass with fans cheering.

Now do not ever gloat in their face after the fight. Don't claim that they are a little pussy and they are weak or they will get up and try again. Just be glad you won and that you didn't get hurt.

Last but most importantly: Tighten your fist so much that your knuckles turn lighter. As tight as you can make a fist. This is ultimate damage and least painful for you. This is hard to teach yourself to do but is absolutely necessary to avoid breaking your hand and to aid in breaking facial bones.

How to do this: ( learnt from dads akrate handbook/dad )

palm up tuck your fingers(bending them) as much as possible to your upper palm

then bend knucle joints in so it looks like u are givng a thumbs up

then tuck your thum onto of your rolled u fingers , tip: the tighter you squeeze your thump in the harder your first becomes. harder fist= more damage to them, less liekly to danage your hand as all shock form punch is being transfered evenly across your hand to your wrist and arm.

Punch through taget. tone aim to hit there face, aim to hit the back ofthere head.

step into pucnhes whenever possible to increase force of punch

If your going for a quick knock out, yellat the top of your muthafapping voice.

animal insticts w2ill kcik in and target will freak out for a second.

( u ever walked past and adog barks making you jump for a split second.)

thats what you wanan acheive and twat them one
I never hit anyone full-force with my bare hand.

Fire extinguishers ftw.
F*ck honor. I fight to win. Ender had it right- you have to make sure they never mess with you again. Of course, I'm not saying you need to kill whoever throws a punch at you, but... don't hold back. I've never really bothered trying to.
I just gave up trying to explain to this thread is about.
ríomhaire said:
I just gave up trying to explain to this thread is about.
Put a picture of a baby on a punching bag, hit it repeatedly. It will desensitize you.