Holly mama! :O

May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Best. Day. Ever.

Had to share this...

I went paintballing today for my 18th birthday (tomorrow). Spent £70 on arround 1800 paintballs through about 8 games, each of which was played twice. All with 30 mates.... all to ourselves. :D

My god.... one of the best experiences of my life to date. Unbelieveable... Ive come back with a bruised arm (Got hit in the elbo 5 times...) and the muddiest pair of trainers known to man. But its all worth it.. and more.

Not only that.... the guys bought me the best birthday present ever. I cant believe they did it.... for me. I'm still ammazed now.

Check it out:


That cost them a bomb, arround £100. I am still utterly speachless. Complete and utter astonishment....

/me so happy! :thumbs:
fantastic, Happy birthday for tomorrow. :D
Paintballing rocks, i hope to go very soon.
Nice :) those lil pistol-ma-bobbits are awesome, I want one hehe :D

I'm glad you had fun, now you can see how I'm so completely and utterly addicted :E

Must have been great with just your mates though :) I'd love to just invade a site with all my friends but yeah, it's expensive playing like that.

Hehe I'm playing this Sunday, can't wait!

heh, happy birthday
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Best. Day. Ever.

Had to share this...

I went paintballing today for my 18th birthday (tomorrow). Spent £70 on arround 1800 paintballs through about 8 games, each of which was played twice. All with 30 mates.... all to ourselves. :D

My god.... one of the best experiences of my life to date. Unbelieveable... Ive come back with a bruised arm (Got hit in the elbo 5 times...) and the muddiest pair of trainers known to man. But its all worth it.. and more.

Not only that.... the guys bought me the best birthday present ever. I cant believe they did it.... for me. I'm still ammazed now.

Check it out:


That cost them a bomb, arround £100. I am still utterly speachless. Complete and utter astonishment....

/me so happy! :thumbs:
happy birthday :D
whoa you have some nice friends!

Im going paintballing soon... with perhaps 2 different groups of friends. Where abouts in the UK are you? Perhaps the place you went to you can recommend?
SHIPPI said:
Nice :) those lil pistol-ma-bobbits are awesome, I want one hehe :D

I'm glad you had fun, now you can see how I'm so completely and utterly addicted :E

Must have been great with just your mates though :) I'd love to just invade a site with all my friends but yeah, it's expensive playing like that.

Hehe I'm playing this Sunday, can't wait!

Hehe actually cos its a friday, they wouldnt normally be open. So we got the day for 10 pounds. Every 15th person went free. and 600 free paintballs.

Paintballs £125 for 2500
Or £6 for 100

:) quite good rates i'm told :)

EDIT: Thanks for the happy bdays guys :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Hehe actually cos its a friday, they wouldnt normally be open. So we got the day for 10 pounds. Every 15th person went free. and 600 free paintballs.

Paintballs £125 for 2500
Or £6 for 100

:) quite good rates i'm told :)

Good for a recday like that, yeah :) That's cheaper than the site here is
omg doode i did that last sunday!:P

it was focking amazing went to delta force paintball in Bristol 40 of my mates :)

It is absolutly amazing tho it was 125 for 2500 paintballs :) we bought that in groups and full head masks it is Abolutly brill!!!!!
That guns is fantastic. I want one !
Happy birthday man.
omg dude u died and went to paintball heaven!!!1111one!!11!
oh ya, uh... happy birthday! :D
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Hehe actually cos its a friday, they wouldnt normally be open. So we got the day for 10 pounds. Every 15th person went free. and 600 free paintballs.

Paintballs £125 for 2500
Or £6 for 100

:) quite good rates i'm told :)

EDIT: Thanks for the happy bdays guys :)
thats the same price as the one im planning on going to in southampton... you didnt go there did you?
maybe there's a company that runs a chain of them and has set prices.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Hehe actually cos its a friday, they wouldnt normally be open. So we got the day for 10 pounds. Every 15th person went free. and 600 free paintballs.

Paintballs £125 for 2500
Or £6 for 100

:) quite good rates i'm told :)

EDIT: Thanks for the happy bdays guys :)

****ing awsome rates! When I went it was like £150 for 2,000 and £5 for 50 :(. Lets just say I didnt play for long on £20. Damn budgeting!
oldagerocker said:
thats the same price as the one im planning on going to in southampton... you didnt go there did you?
maybe there's a company that runs a chain of them and has set prices.

If its delta force then yeah, its a chain :)

And yeah, not bad rates really. :cheers:
happpy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to Marksmen
happy birthday to you

are you 1
are you 2
are you 3
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are you 5
are you 6
are you 7
are you 8
are you 9
are you 10
are you 11
are you 12
are you ...
i went paintballing for my m8s 18th birthday :D.

have a good day buddy :D.

btw, if you hear anyone singing that crazy frog tune, shoot them with that gun for me ;), thx .