HOLY ****!! A Meteorite!!


Jan 23, 2004
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I just had to share this!

I was sitting in the family room having supper, and all of a sudden to the east, this really fast green light came streaking down from the sky with a gold tail (the pieces of the sheared off metal). After about a second, the green ball exploded in to a white ball and continued it's decent. I didn't see it hit the ground, but I know for a fact this was a meteorite. It was a least 4 times as bright as the full moon. The green color indicates the meteorite had some nickel in it or was mostly composed of nickel. I'm from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. and it's all over the news. People have seen it as far as Saskatchewan. Just Awesome!!!! :bounce: :bounce:


Great video below!!

Hopefully - We need some kind of excitement, an alien invasion would be perfect.
A green flash in the sky?

... Coming from Mars, perchance? D:
Slither. Tommyknockers. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Night Of The Creeps.

****ing Little Shop Of Horrors. Transformers.
I sense a story whereby all your crops go extra bright and funny colours start emerging from your well. Some people will have got that reference.
We'll probably all go blind.

Beware of killer plants.
I think the best senerio would be the one from Creep Show.
i wish awesome shit like that would happen in boring ass SoCal. but nooooooooo we only got earthquakes to look forward to.
That's awesome - there was a meteor shower here over the summer, and my friends and I were out spotting for meteorites, and a HUUUGE one came in real low over the horizon and burned up in a huge long bright streak of various colors. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
Saw one of these when i was driving at about 4am on the way to a paintball event.

Happened to be looking at that point in the sky (lol), and suddenly this flash casted across the sky, about 5cm long if you were to measure it with your thumb or something.

It was one of the most beautiful things iv ever seen. It was only there for a second, but a slightly curled stream of green, orange and red just 'swooshed' across the sky and then was gone.

Will always remember that.