HOLY CRAP! New Zelda! New Zelda!

yeah, the press conference live webcast just finished... the nintendo DS just smoked the PSP. - two 3d screens, voice and touch activated, bluetooth wireless and WI FI. Metroid FPS with a map and menu on the second screen. Jeebus.

two media ports, 16 player wireless... the list goes on.

holy shit.
I saw the whole live presentation (and for free too), and MAN... Nintendo easily owned E3 already!

A realistic Zelda and the NDS were all it took!
Yes Nintendo's conference seriously stole the show. The whole thing was great, but then they close it up with a new Zelda. I was honestly not expecting it at all and was blown away. Good job Nintendo, good f'in job.
Looks like the Nintendo website is getting pounded pretty hard. I had major reservations about the DS until they listed off all the features, but now...well lets just say I'm a believer. And with the return to their roots with the new Link game, I might just have to say that Nintendo has come back with a vengence.
/me wants a DS...

that thing looked so hot. and metroid? on the DS? with 16 player wireless MP?

sign me up.
^^ Like I said, it looks like the Nintendo website is getting rocked...keep trying back.
dont suppose one of u could look in ur offline history and take a pic of the screens? the links dont work, its just too poular :'(
i need to see new zelda!!!

*edit* it finally lodad... AN ESRB warning "would u like to continue"?? damn!


ive got to get myself a multi- console/ PC gaming mag- i need all the E3 revealings
While I liked Wind Waker alot, this new Zelda looks infinitely more interesting.
Nintendo back with a vengeance? :E

Looks absolutely superb!
Just dled the Zelda footage, much better quality than the streaming video I first saw it with and OH MY GOD. As if all the kickass FPS weren't enough. This is already shaping up to be the best E3 ever.
FireFox doesn't seem to like that nintendo site very much, neither the video nor the first link works...
MaxiKana said:
FireFox doesn't seem to like that nintendo site very much, neither the video nor the first link works...

firefox grabbed the direct .mov link just fine, didnt even try the first link though.
If it plays as well as Wind Waker thats gonna be a hell of a game.
Yay, never beat Wind Waker, cellshading threw me off
The video makes me want it , although I fear I wouldnt play it. I havent played through a console game since GTA:VC. But the DS, oh god the DS is awsome , I think im going to have to buy it , no matter how nerdy it is (ie. Its huge and you can talk to it)
YAY ! The video started to download! w0000t!!!1
I'm so excited! Zelda is the main reason I decided to get a GAMECUBE. Thank God that Nintendo didn't let us down after showing off that amazing looking battle between Link and Ganondorf a couple years back that was a huge tease until now. For me, Zelda is the console equivalent of what HL is on the PC and those two are my favourite games!
Woohoo!! \o/

While I prefer the cell shaded look, this game is still visually amazing!! .... combine this with the usual Nintendo genius/gameplay and we're in for something special :)

(the vid with the fights on horseback :D)
I knew there was a new Legend of Zelda game in the works... but I didn't know they were dropping the cel shading. My prayers have been answered! The last one was very stylish and pulled off rather well, but I'm not a fan of that kind of art.

... oh and the DS looks neat, too. :D
What's interesting is that nintendo also said that windwaker2 was in development. so it seems as if there will be 2 new zelda games coming to the gamecube(3 if you include four swords). Though nintendo could have canned ww2 and replaced it with this non-celshaded version. You won't hear me complaining if that is the case.

Zelda games are probably my most favourite console games, at least on a par with pro evolution soccer games.

:: cue insane nintendo fanboy rambling from Zapp$ter ::

DiS gMaE Iz GoInG 2 RoXXOrzzz uR BoXXORszz1111!!!!!!!!

Just when I was starting to lost faith in nintendo, they come out with this. I don't think I'll ever doubt them again. My jaw dropped, quite literally when I read the news. I found some screesnshots and was gobsmacked. I'm currently downloading the video now.

:: Zapp$ter breathes out ::
:: disengages from Nintendo fanboy mode ::
Zapp$ter said:
:: cue insane nintendo fanboy rambling from Zapp$ter ::

DiS gMaE Iz GoInG 2 RoXXOrzzz uR BoXXORszz1111!!!!!!!!

Just when I was starting to lost faith in nintendo, they come out with this. I don't think I'll ever doubt them again. My jaw dropped, quite literally when I read the news. I found some screesnshots and was gobsmacked. I'm currently downloading the video now.

:: Zapp$ter breathes out ::
:: disengages from Nintendo fanboy mode ::

:: cue insane nintendo fanboy rambling from Zapp$ter :: once again when you finish watching that video. ;)
Now we just have to find out when it's supposed to come out. I think maybe 4th quarter 2004 or 1st to 2nd quarter 2005. Leaning toward 2005, even though it appears quite polished.
It will of course do what OoT did for the franchise. It looks so beautiful now, it's really hard to imagine what a next gen game could look like.
This is one game I will preorder and hopefully be able to set aside the time one would need to get into the game. I really don't need a distraction, a beautiful and engrossing distraction, if I want to do good in college. All too easy to lose 5 hours or more.
And considering this is just the pre-show... E3 will leave everyone floored.
Gamespot also said there will be a true wind waker sequel.

No offense to this new more realistic version, but it doesn't really look that great compared to upcoming games like Resident evil 4. I'm more excited for wind waker 2 than for this one.

I think WW2 comes out this Christmas and the next one comes out Next Christmas, that would be pretty great.
I havent seen the movie yet, but just from the screens I have two words: HOLY SHIT! :eek:
I'm really not a big fan of cell-shading in general, even its done with as much style and panache as was seen in Wind Waker. That's why I'm so psyched for this puppy. The return of the realistic Zelda! Thank God!
I skipped windwaker. It just wasnt that great IMO Hopefully this will be ALOT better.
Thanks for showing this to me guys... thanks alot. Now I'm crying because I don't own a gamecube :( :( :(
famas_man said:
Thanks for showing this to me guys... thanks alot. Now I'm crying because I don't own a gamecube :( :( :(

Up until this, I was complaining about my dusty GC but oh how the tides have turned! :E :bounce: :thumbs: :cheese:
That was a 'Tendo?! Sweet mother of Mary, and how cool was that cutting guys down from their horses?!! Sweet...very sweet :)