holy freakin uber gaming gear!!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score


Our lab also has a 24 monitor display wall, and as you can see from the pictures below, I got Quake 3 running on it. The system is driven by 12 linux servers (2 monitors per server) using Distributed Multihead X (DMX) and Chromium. Chromium distributes the OpenGL rendering from the head node to all of the servers. The game runs fairly fast, though some lighting effects had to be turned off and Chromium is having some trouble with the mouse. Even so, playing the game is an awesome experience.

:O ...I want one ..errr 24
omg lol thats crazy

i would hate that why would anyone want little plastic line everywhere it would get annoying while gaming
ask Asus he has one of those dual lcd monitors ..I suspect he barely notices it
Those multi monitor displays have ALWAYS been unappealing to me. I can accomplish more, and be more immersed when using one monitor.
that'd be pretty awesome, but it'd be even more EXTREME if they took the cases off of the monitors and spaced them closer together so it's more of one picture :D
Thats awesome. I wish more games supported that. Too bad SLI/Crossfire does not support multiple monitors. I'd buy a fast Nvidia/ATI card with 3 DVI ports. ;)

I dont use both monitors for games (i might if I had a Matrox card with 3 displays). Left for primary app (games), right for other. I dunno, being able to throw a window to another monitor and snap it to full size is awesome. Beats having it overlap other windows and constantly having to manually resize the window depending on what other windows you have open at the time on your single monitor.
Awesome looking, but seems very impractical for gaming.......