Holy sh*t


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Holy shit

UT2K4 is going to take up...6 gigs on your puny little harddrive and the damn thing isnt even done yet. Its gonna ship on 6 cds :x there will be a unlimited dvd edition though so that should cut back on the # of cds. But the thing that gets me kinda umm worried is how much ****in space is hl2 gonna take up>???!? Think about it ut2k4 has only been in the works for maybe a 1 year to 1 and a 1/2. And hl2 is been in the works for 5! Its got a massive single player and who knows what mp has in store for us. You better start cleaning up your harddrive now boys.:cool:
I really hope DVD drives do away with CDs soon. It's the next best thing, so why stick with Cds. I don't want to have to use 6 Cds just because there isn't a DVD version, or it's "limited" so I have to pay more for it. If just 1 big company makes a DVD version of a really popular game, it will help to do away with CDs.

But you do away with the cd demographic if you do that. Yea alot of us hardcore probably have dvd drives put they also gotta make it for the casual player or those who dont want dvd drives or dont have the money for them. They cant just do away with them intil its safe enough to say that the majority of pc owners have dvd drives.
I can't afford a DVD drive on top of a new 3d card.... sorry, but we aren't all cash-rich americans .
Originally posted by mrBadger
I can't afford a DVD drive on top of a new 3d card.... sorry, but we aren't all cash-rich americans .

See told you not everyone has a DVD drive
Originally posted by mrBadger
I can't afford a DVD drive on top of a new 3d card.... sorry, but we aren't all cash-rich americans .
PCGamer DVD issue here in sweden offers a DVD drive for 300 SEK if I'm not mistaken. Thats cheaper than the price of a game :) (around $37 I beleive)
it would probably take hours to install 6GB from my 5X DVD drive :D
Dawler... there are DVD drives here for £20.. but I don't wanna buy something slow and pointless... i'm waiting for DVD-RW drives to fall in price :)
DVD-RW are fairly cheap here. Little over 100, and well worth it.

Oh, and badget. You have no sense of humor. I posted it in the OFF-TOPIC forum for a reason, and yet you lock it. BAH!
off topic is not for flaming. that has no place on the forums... I do have a sense of humour.... i laughed while I was locking it.... look, we are not going to have you flaming someone, whoever they are.
It takes up so much space because its UT2003 and UT2004 put together.
Originally posted by mrBadger
I can't afford a DVD drive on top of a new 3d card.... sorry, but we aren't all cash-rich americans .

I'm going to pretend that wasn't a racist comment, and just say civilly, if you think americans are rich, you have no idea what your talking about.
heh, I wasn't being racist actually.... but someone saying this:

I really hope DVD drives do away with CDs soon. It's the next best thing, so why stick with Cds. I don't want to have to use 6 Cds just because there isn't a DVD version, or it's "limited" so I have to pay more for it. If just 1 big company makes a DVD version of a really popular game, it will help to do away with CDs.

made me say that.... since he is a cash-rich american. I didn't say all americans were cash-rich... just that we aren't all cash rich.

Oh, and shorten that sig :P
Now now ladies.

Anyway got my DVD drive for 35 quid, worth every penny.
Yeah I'm gonna have to get one eventually...especially since my current CD-Rom is on its last legs. But prices are always on the fall and no games really support it exclusively (except maybe MGS2:substance).
The DVD-ROM and DVD-R are cheap nowadays. You can find a standard 16x well under $100. It's only the DVD-RW that's gonna break your wallet.
Heh, if you can't afford a dvd drive...
holy crap people you can get a decent one for 20-25 bucks.
Aswell as most new computers coming with them standard.
UT2k4 has even more content than UT2k3.
New static meshes, a lot more maps, around 90, yes, 90, and new weapons and levels for assault and onslaught
Originally posted by Stiler
Heh, if you can't afford a dvd drive...
holy crap people you can get a decent one for 20-25 bucks.
Aswell as most new computers coming with them standard.

Jesus some people dont have a lot of money, 25 dollars is a lot for people who are poor.
25 dollars is not a lot of money for a PC gamer,
if you think so, maybe consolegaming is more for you.

Dvd-Drives have been around for a quite a while now,
and are definately not "slow and pointless".
There are a lot of cheap ones out there that do the job perfectly.
It is a lot of money, for a poor pc gamer.

I cant even afford to buy HL2 (whoops forget to finish my sentence) let alone shell out for a dvd drive
Buy a larger economic perspective. $25 is a good sum of money for most people.
Originally posted by Murray_H
It is a lot of money, for a poor pc gamer.

I cant even afford to buy HL2 (whoops forget to finish my sentence) let alone shell out for a dvd drive

yeah, replace 'can't even' with 'can barely' and thats me. :(
one of the reasons that the game is so big is because it has all of the maps from UT2K3 in it as well as new ones which adds up to around 45 (with the 2 expansions/downloads), give or take some. And they've stated that they are going to almost double the amount of maps that shipped with the game originally. I can't wait and am looking forward to this one as much as I am HL2. I'm a mapper for UT2K3, and can't wait for all of the new stuff to work with! I heard that they are going to be having japanese influenced levels.....ahhhh. That will be heaven for me.
hmm - with so many maps I wonder about map quality. Sounds to me like they're touting quantity... but hey - I don't play UT, so I really have no idea/informed opinion.