Home delayed again -- Open Beta this fall


May 27, 2003
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Yet again, Playstation Home has been delayed. The current beta will continue throughout this summer (hint of adding new testers). Open beta for this fall.


I've actually decided that I will no longer get a PS3 this summer, but I'm waiting for the fall.

That way I can possibly get a price drop, one of the new SKU's with reduced size of CPU/GPU (runs cooler and quieter), and maybe Ars Technica's rumored 120 or 160gb model will come out later this year. I don't care that much about MGS4 so I will gladly wait for a different SKU. Essentially I just want the 80 GB model right now (and all of its features like BackCompat and all of the ports) but with a bigger HDD. Since all new SKU's are more than definitely going to get the DS3, I won't have to worry about the SixAxis.

Plus, it just means that I won't have to have my PS3 for so long to wait for LBP :D
Sad about the delay for the open beta, but certainly glad they are doing it right and taking their time instead of rushing out some awful piece of junk for everyone to poke fun at.

Come June you may be rethinking your stance on getting a PS3 too. I don't care what kind of gamer you are, if you appreciate exceptionally well-done titles, then MGS4 will make you happy in the extreme. (I really hope Haze turns out well too, but the jury is still decidedly out on that one.) I already have the 60GB BC model and have never looked back, but I can understand wanting to wait for a model with BC, but the HDD is not an issue when you can swap it out for any bigger one you may have lying around and the noise has never been a factor for the PS3-quiet as a mouse, especially when right next to my jet turbine 360 disc spinning....
Be careful about waiting for newer SKU's, Sony might be phasing out backwards compatibility entirely.
Good god there is actually no excuse for this being delayed anymore :flame:
Be careful about waiting for newer SKU's, Sony might be phasing out backwards compatibility entirely.

If they do, then depending on the feature set of the new SKU I might actually just give up BC.

I mainly wanted to keep it to get rid of my roommates PS2 (and then I could play MGS' on one system).

BC isn't life or death to me, but it's still a potential I look at.

If Sony decides to axe it completely (not likely considering they're doing a software approach now I believe) then if the new SKU just doesn't seem worth it, I'll just find the "old" 80GB bundle.
This game seems to be getting more attention that it deserves. It is interesting, but it looks like it'd get boring as soon as you have your friends over to your apartment for the 3rd time.
I feel sorry for you guys. :E

This game seems to be getting more attention that it deserves. It is interesting, but it looks like it'd get boring as soon as you have your friends over to your apartment for the 3rd time.

Home isn't a game, it's a service that anyone with a PS3 can access free of charge.
This game seems to be getting more attention that it deserves. It is interesting, but it looks like it'd get boring as soon as you have your friends over to your apartment for the 3rd time.

It's not a game.

Think of it as an abstraction layer for Playstation Online. It's essentially a better looking Second Life (without a bunch of crap Second Life has).

You can go and meet up in the Game Room (each developer has the chance to create their own game room which can have various things. Warhawk for example has Sand Tables of all of the maps where you can plan a strategy with others). Then from the Game Room you all get launched into the game.

You also have some mini-games like Bowling and what not in there.

It also is a giant chat room if you want to talk to people.

It also advertises and shows off new games and movies.

Then it will allow you to have your apartment, where you get a bunch of crap. I don't see that being useful though. Just something to say "hey man, meet me at my place and we can meet up to go somewhere".

It's an interesting idea, but I'm still not totally sold... Plus with these delays, it's just more upsetting. But hey, it's free. Can't complain at that price I suppose.
It's not a game and the fact that it's not a game makes it more ludicrous at the insane amount of time it's taking to finish it :flame:
Bowling is merely the tip of the iceberg friends:

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune comes to Home armed with a side-scrolling 2D arcade game, described to us as reminiscent of both Contra(!) and Out Of This World(!). Sounds kind of like Capcom's 2D remake of Bionic Commando in its execution, full of enemies and exploding barrels to shoot.

Sony is apparently pitching features like these to developers to extend the lives of their titles, using strong first and second party development showcases to prove that Home can effectively market outside of traditional means. We hope they take them up on their offer, because we're definitely excited about the prospects.

One of the first games expected to shine in one of Home's series of game portals is Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man. Resistance is said to provide Home visitors with an interesting room to explore, one that will let PlayStation 3 owners visit unseen areas of the game and tap into bonus content in the form of "intercepted" radio communications between European and U.S. forces.

These hidden transmissions will help to flesh out the Resistance story, giving players a better understanding of the game's conflict. We hear that Home avatars will have free roam of unpopulated levels, not unlike a virtual Resistance museum.

The Home lobby for the Incognito dogfighter, WarHawk,will serve as a "war room" where up to eight players can meet to discuss their strategy for an upcoming match.

Sure, you could do that with text or voice chat, but it sounds like the developers have gone the extra mile to make planning your battles even cooler.

Using a three-dimensional "sand table" replication of the level, Warhawk players are said to be able to lay out their strategies in a properly scaled space. They'll even be able to place little army men avatars around the map to envision their formations, something we hope they can also do with teeny tiny Warhawk planes, tanks and Jeeps.

The Warhawk war room is said to also serve as a launchpad for games, thankfully, so jumping into a match shouldn't require leaving the Home interface.

Sounds good to me. Also, I just read somewhere that Uncharted will be offering levels devoid of enemies to explore and such as well. Some very interesting stuff going on behind these very closed doors....
It's not a game and the fact that it's not a game makes it more ludicrous at the insane amount of time it's taking to finish it :flame:

It's essentially a freakin' MMO and it has multiple games within it. They both take tons of time, especially if Sony wants to get it "right".

Personally, I really liked Phil's approach better. Get the release to something everyone can be happy about, avoid feature creep, and then just evolve over time. Kaz would much rather wait and then put everything in that he can and release, even if it means delaying it over and over...
It's essentially a freakin' MMO and it has multiple games within it. They both take tons of time, especially if Sony wants to get it "right".

Personally, I really liked Phil's approach better. Get the release to something everyone can be happy about, avoid feature creep, and then just evolve over time. Kaz would much rather wait and then put everything in that he can and release, even if it means delaying it over and over...

I agree, though on the other hand if they release it without many features then people will lose interest and they will miss their chance at having a big launch. They won't ever be able to market some patch or incremental update as effectively as they can a product launch, so it's important to impress people on day one.
I agree, though on the other hand if they release it without many features then people will lose interest and they will miss their chance at having a big launch. They won't ever be able to market some patch or incremental update as effectively as they can a product launch, so it's important to impress people on day one.

What they have in the beta now is still impressive.

Also, you don't have to impress everyone on day one.

Hell, look at the PS3. It hasn't impressed anyone for like a year but it's finally getting some love.

If you continue building a good platform, the gamers will come.

It's advice even Valve has told me in regards to making mods.

Release it early, release it often, and if you make it good, people will come.
Sounds like a shitty graphical myspace. I would find it a bit pointless.
*reads replies*
Oh I see. Sounds very interesting. I hope they do get it working and finished otherwise it would have been a huge waste.