HomeLAN Fed Interviews Doug Lombardi

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Our friends over at PlanetHalfLife are reporting of a "post-gold" interview with Valve's Director of Marketing, Doug Lombardi.
HomeLAN - Is there any movement on the Half-Life movie, especially with the Doom movie about to begin production?[br]
Doug Lombardi - We've met with folks in Hollywood to discuss the idea of an HL movie. But around the time we hear, "And then Gordon falls in love..." we usually head back to Seattle screaming.
On the whole, the interview doesn't hold much new information and of course there's a lot of "smoke and mirrors" from Doug regarding aspects of future developments that they're being tight lipped about but it still makes a good read.[br]
You can read the full interview, here.
when you go to see the full interview, Doug said that they released CS:Source early because it was ready :rolleyes: they call that ready? it looks like they rushed the game. And it has many bugs.

yay first time I posted first :P
It is nice to hear that TF2 is still in the works. I am eager to hear updates on that after the HL2 release. Nice interview though overall.
Slik said:
when you go to see the full interview Doug said that they released the game early because it ready :rolleyes: they call that ready? it looks like they rushed the game. And it has many bugs
I think he means ready as in "playable" which it is. So many people for the last year have done absolutely nothing but bash Valve for taking so long that they must have finally got fed up and said:

"All right you little brats! Here ya go! Take this and shut up please!!".
Slik said:
when you go to see the full interview Doug said that they released the game early because it ready :rolleyes: they call that ready? it looks like they rushed the game. And it has many bugs.

yay first time I posted first :P
I have not encountered too many bugs, but I sure wish they would have included more maps with it. I know they will come later, but it would be nice to have some more now.
The Mullinator said:
I think he means ready as in "playable" which it is. So many people for the last year have done absolutely nothing but bash Valve for taking so long that they must have finally got fed up and said:

"All right you little brats! Here ya go! Take this and shut up please!!".
Yeah I'm a CS brat I admit it! :naughty:
The only bug that annoys me to any great extent is the %n one.
I hope they dont go with the idea or plan to charge a monthly fee for any of this. I dont see it worth it. HL2 is a classic but at what extent?
good, gordon doesn't fall in love. are they kidding? don't screw the video game franchise by making a movie. movies for video games suck.
"gordon falls in love" is where most forum members are hoping the storyline for the game goes. hahahah lame, i hope you get to kill her as soon as possible
hmmm you have a connection to "Alyx" already Wesisapie whether you know it or not, the fact that you said you wanted to kill her as soon as possible means that sub consiously, you see "it" as "her" and "coded responses" as "killing", but i'm just being a smart arse.
I wouldn't have minded the love interest, who knows we might actually get some depth of story in a fps game for once.

EDIT: but i agree, love interests in action movies are mostly lame and the woman is the damzel in distress which is the oldest story in history.
HomeLAN - Why did Valve decide to make the full version of Counter-Strike: Source available immediately to people who pre-order Half-Life 2 via Steam?

Doug Lombardi - Because it's ready.

I found this odd just because you could say the same for Half-Life 2?
Well HL2 wasn't ready, it still had bugs in it which Vivendi weren't happy with. CS:S was released because it was as ready as Valve wanted it to be for mass playing, there are still a few bugs in it which make me crash back to the desktop so it still needs work.
This interview looks familiar. I think i've seen it before. Isn't this the interview where Doug Lombardi said something about HL2 being his baby?
Robinhood_01 said:
EDIT: but i agree, love interests in action movies are mostly lame and the woman is the damzel in distress which is the oldest story in history.

agreed ..... it gets boring how in EVERY MOVIE there has to be some love connection of some sort between some 2 characters ....... why can't we just have a straight action movie or have just plain sidekicks and not love interests constantly :monkee:
was funny the part "and when we hear "and them gordons fall in love",we just get back screaming to seatle" :laugh:

so that mean no HL2 movie ever?
<RJMC> said:
so that mean no HL2 movie ever?

no, just means they are picky, which is good. i'm tired of seeing movies based on games that turn out to be crap.
Well I finally got CS:S to run very very smooth without any crashes (trust me i was in the 100+ crash area) and no graphical glitches...

As of now, my cat is staring at me and wtf is wrong with Gordon falling in love??!?
AphexT said:
I found this odd just because you could say the same for Half-Life 2?

no hl2 is not ready just yet. sure development and testing is done, but now its time for marketing and manfacturing. and dammit, i want my shirt!!! so until hl2 is ready to ship, its not.
Well HL2 wasn't ready, it still had bugs in it which Vivendi weren't happy with. CS:S was released because it was as ready as Valve wanted it to be for mass playing, there are still a few bugs in it which make me crash back to the desktop so it still needs work.
no hl2 is not ready just yet. sure development and testing is done, but now its time for marketing and manfacturing. and dammit, i want my shirt!!! so until hl2 is ready to ship, its not.

Erm, neither of you seemed to understand my post. Since Half-Life 2 went gold the game itself is ready. The reason that Mr. Lombardi gave about CS:S being released via steam for people that pre-ordered HL2 was that, it was ready. That is what my post is referring to. Sure we won't see HL2 on store shelves till Nov. 16th because of global distribution, but why not on steam?
AphexT said:
Erm, neither of you seemed to understand my post. Since Half-Life 2 went gold the game itself is ready. The reason that Mr. Lombardi gave about CS:S being released via steam for people that pre-ordered HL2 was that, it was ready. That is what my post is referring to. Sure we won't see HL2 on store shelves till Nov. 16th because of global distribution, but why not on steam?

Um, isnt it obvious? They cant release it on steam because VU is their publisher, and that means they have the rights to release, not Valve.

The fact that they are going around VU and selling it on steam without VU getting ANY of the profit is kinda shady, and thats what the whole suit is about, but Valve would NEVER release it before VU has a chance to shelf it in stores because if they did thats a lawsuit they are gaurenteed to lose.
Chroniss said:
Um, isnt it obvious? They cant release it on steam because VU is their publisher, and that means they have the rights to release, not Valve.

The fact that they are going around VU and selling it on steam without VU getting ANY of the profit is kinda shady, and thats what the whole suit is about, but Valve would NEVER release it before VU has a chance to shelf it in stores because if they did thats a lawsuit they are gaurenteed to lose.

Easy Mr 1 post :laugh:

VU will get a lot of profit, trust me.... Dougie, on the other hand will have more $$$ to support his V3 rocket
Doug Lombardi - We've met with folks in Hollywood to discuss the idea of an HL movie. But around the time we hear, "And then Gordon falls in love..." we usually head back to Seattle screaming.

very good. i couldnt stand a half-life-romance-movie... so: thumbs up! you should ask the cohen bro's for a script ;)
HomeLAN - Will there be basic Half-Life 2 deathmatch and Capture the Flag modes released by Valve at some point or will the mod community have to create those products? Doug Lombardi - Right now, we do not have DM or CtF modes for HL2 in production

0H N0ES!! they confirmed it!!! There is no hl2dm!! :flame:

/me mailbombs gabe`s mailbox
BlueWolf72 said:
I hope they dont go with the idea or plan to charge a monthly fee for any of this. I dont see it worth it. HL2 is a classic but at what extent?
I think what he meant by monthly subscription is that the peeps that are a little short on money, and don't want to cash out 89$ for gold package even though they want gold, then they will have the option to pay it off a certain amount a month until they have bought the game.

I derieved this from Doug's answer to that question:

HomeLAN - A while back Gabe Newell said they were considering a monthly subscription model for Half-Life 2. Is that still possible down the road if Valve decides to release regular new content for the game, a la what the folks at KumaWar have done?

Doug Lombardi - Yes. It's still something we'd like to offer in addition to full purchase of our games.
didnt learn much from this interview he is very good at his job.
NO info lots of BS
This interview is old?
I've seen it before, few months ago.

Chroniss said:
Um, isnt it obvious? They cant release it on steam because VU is their publisher, and that means they have the rights to release, not Valve.

The fact that they are going around VU and selling it on steam without VU getting ANY of the profit is kinda shady, and thats what the whole suit is about, but Valve would NEVER release it before VU has a chance to shelf it in stores because if they did thats a lawsuit they are gaurenteed to lose.

That still isn't the answer I'm looking for and I'm sure only VU has it. If you are giving CS:S over steam to people who bought one of the steam packages then why not go ahead and give HL:2 after it has gone gold, which now it has. Probably because VU may lose profit just because more people would rush out to buy it over steam instead of in stores? I might of just answered my own question there, but lets say you also give it to people who buy the standard and CE retail packages. They have already said you need to have a internet connection and steam to activate retail HL2. So you might as well.
AphexT said:
That still isn't the answer I'm looking for and I'm sure only VU has it. If you are giving CS:S over steam to people who bought one of the steam packages then why not go ahead and give HL:2 after it has gone gold, which now it has. Probably because VU may lose profit just because more people would rush out to buy it over steam instead of in stores? I might of just answered my own question there, but lets say you also give it to people who buy the standard and CE retail packages. They have already said you need to have a internet connection and steam to activate retail HL2. So you might as well.

CS isn't tied to Sierra/VUG in the same way that the Half-Life franchise is. Valve was under contract to Sierra to deliver HL2, not CS:S.
Ok, that clears things up. I haven't been following the Valve/VU lawsuit ordeal so I really don't know. Thanks for that.
So, let's say there *was* a Half-Life movie. Who do you guys see playing Gordon?
notmydesk said:
So, let's say there *was* a Half-Life movie. Who do you guys see playing Gordon?
are millions of treads about it
You do realise that movies usually need a "speaking main actor" in there to work. Gordon is not one of them, and if he did speak, VALVe would be tortured by us.

On another note: It was a cool interview, but pitty us Gold buyers don't get TF2 when it's ready :(