Homestar Runner

They keep releasing new ones, but I could see how some people might get tired of it.
Been awhile since I visited that site. Always nice to watch a bunch of new ones in a row. =p
I used to be a big fan. I followed Strong Bad since email nr20 up to about 110. I find it boring now.
I still love Homestar runner alot
I'm glad "TROGDOR!" got put in guitar hero 2
Homestar Runner does to nerds what Queer Eye for the Straight Guy does to gays. It makes it popular. Seriously, in highschool, all of the girls thought they were the only ones who had discovered the law of (random = funny) because of HSR... and talking in teen girlsquad voices really pisses me off.
When first I saw it two years ago, this foul programme influenced me to burn down thatched-roof cottages.

Won't Somebody Think of the Children?
I used to watch it a lot until the SBemails starting releasing slower than molasseses. I return once in awhile to see the newer ones.
I only watched the Strongbad Email episodes. They were good at first, but it seemed like they ran out of ideas.