Homeworld 2


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
There's been several threads on this, but I have only now realized after owning it for 8 months, that it's a awesome game. Out of 98.7% pure, diluted boredom, I clicked on the Homeworld 2 icon, and started a game.

It was awesome.

The battles simply look awesome.

Controls are a bit awkard, but still, it's 3-D! This is like the only RTS with a 3-D enviroment!

Never managed to find out how you installed the PDS mod though.

Anyone play this?
yes I have played it, and I really enjoyed the PDS mod.

PDS 7.2 is probably the best version, anything above that is utter shit (they turned into a tactical-realism mod), and anything below 6.1 is probably a bit too old.

So, get any version between 6.1 and 7.2, and add the command line "-OverrideBigFile" to an .exe shorcut.

It can be really fun just skirmishing the AI in PDS....it really saved hw2 for me.

get the .7 version http://www.pds.hwaccess.net/downloads.php?cat_id=5 and then update it to 7.2
Ahh, I installed the PDS mod. The battles are now awesome, but the bad thing is that the units are too confusing.
yeah, they replaced all the names with rediculous military acronyms like, "MRAM DDX-V" that are impossible to decode. I eventually just learned what all of them were by testing them out.

Actually one of the easiest ways to find out what each one does is to do the "starship battles" in CPUvs.human, it pits one ship against another, and you can learn each one's strengths and weaknesses.
DDX-V is actually a destroyer acronym, but they use it on frigates, wtf?

Anyway, I'm gonna try the starship battle thingy.
Yet another disappointing sequel to come out of 2003 IMO. The story is rubbish, doesn't hold a candle to the original. I played and completed it way back when, but everytime I get the urge to replay it, I always get stuck in the third or forth mission through a combination of boredom and difficulty. The later missions are ridiculously easy, the early ones are extremely hard. Had a friend who brought it too and was unable to ever break into the later stages of the game. The same is kind of true of the original, but that was due to the lack of a unit cap on captured vessels. The Taiidan didn't stand a chance against a wall of 70 Ion Cannon frigates, and at least that was FUN.
Hardest mission imo is capturing the Vaygr command centre. God I hate that level.
The missions have an EXTREMELY STEEP learning curve, but the game itself is pretty kickass.
I'm not a big fun of the RTS but this game is ok i played it,finish it just like everybody else.overall is ok,i've encountered some problems with the controls.
Homeworld>Homeworld 2

The first gave me chills at times, with that epic story and gameplay, wonderful ORIGINAL cutscenes, and my god the music, oh, the music.
The second one took a step back in terms of gameplay: static resource clusters, no more proper salvage corvettes, etc.

And the skirmish games are way easy. The computers--if anything--hinder each other. I can play 1 vs. 3 expert and they're terrible. Doesn't hold a light to Homeworld 1's difficulty.
For a game that is over three years old, the graphics hold up really well.
For a game that is over three years old, the graphics hold up really well.
That's the benefit of doing a space-based game I guess. You can pour everything into your units and particle effects because the backgrounds don't need to be much more than static hi-res paintings. The original plan for Homeworld 2 was going to challenge that quite significantly though. They were going to have "megaliths", giant space "terrain" like impossibly sized, derelict structures which could be used for cover, as bases etc. I guess there were technical difficulties. All that Homeworld 2 really had of any significant size was the Tanis derelict from which the mothership launches, but in the old plan, the stuff you see in the background probably would have been more like what you got in the playing field...

I believe there was a rumour going around that relic / vivendi may be getting back for a Homeworld 3 sometime. I wouldn't hold my breath... or trust Vivendi to not hurry development to an early and disappointing end if it were to happen.
Homeworld 2 had a crazy 'charge' mentality everytime you finished mission objectives you'd suddenly heave up and head to the next mission, it made you feel like you were under the command of Leeroy Jenkins.

The plot was okay, but the gameplay really degenerated to massive production and concentrated firepower wins.
Homeworld 2 had a crazy 'charge' mentality everytime you finished mission objectives you'd suddenly heave up and head to the next mission, it made you feel like you were under the command of Leeroy Jenkins.
Amen to that! One of my favourite bits of Homeworld was the calm at the end of each mission. Admitedly, it was kind of tedious having your collectors clear the map, but it meant that it wasn't such a constant rush to kill everything in sight.