Homosexuality, Gay marriage..

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Jul 9, 2003
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Why is it that we are unwilling to accept gay marriage? It isnt that big of a deal, its 2 people who love each other coming together through marriage. Why cant America just accept homosexuality? All this fuss over gay marriage to me is just ridculous, we should allow them to do whatever the hell they want even if we dont agree with it.
Because Americans are resistant to change?
not28 said:
Because Americans are resistant to change?
Yea that makes sense..kinda..or maybe most of us are just insecure with our own homosexuality? hmmm
Becuase conservative americans would rather burry there heads in the sand ......

...Like they do with everything almost everything else.
For most people its about religion, they don't believe that god wants gays and lesbians to exist. Thats the biggest factor in why people don't like it.
I live in Canada, and we are totally ok with it! We allow legal marriages between 2 persons of the same sex.
Six Three said:
I live in Canada, and we are totally ok with it! We allow legal marriages between 2 persons of the same sex.
Well most of Canada is ok with it. Look at the new conservative party.
I don't like it because it literally makes me sick to see two men holding hands or having a hand in anothers pocket(quesy just writing about it) Even at school they ****ign do it. I h8 them.
Aye, why should it not be allowed?
Love is love, regardless of the sex of the lovers.
Yay for homosexual marriages!

The PC Nerd said:
I don't like it because it literally makes me sick to see two men holding hands or having a hand in anothers pocket(quesy just writing about it) Even at school they ****ign do it. I h8 them.
You, good sir, has some serious issues!
Why do you hate homosexuals? There's no reason for that.
I think most people don't know that this argument is over a 'civil' union/marriage, not a religous marriage. They would be legally married in the governments eyes and the churches could codemn whatever they wanted, but the legal benefits of a marriage would still apply to them and their family.
The Mullinator said:
For most people its about religion, they don't believe that god wants gays and lesbians to exist. Thats the biggest factor in why people don't like it.

Christians are f*ckin hypocrites anyway. They will follow something else in the Bible, while ignoring other parts. Most of them judge other people, and in the Bible it says you aren't supposed to judge other people, 'nuff said.

I say if it keeps them quiet, let them I don't want to see yet ANOTHER gay pride parade, I mean we don't have heterosexual pride parades, lol that sounds like a good idea :laugh:
Shouldn't this thread be locked? It seems too controversial. I hate it how ppl always warp the diff. views of these issues.
We've had huge debates on religion, evolution, U.S. foreign policy, and plus this isn't the first thread on gays on lesbians. As long as the thread stays civil it will be left open.

At least thats how its been in the past.
The Mullinator said:
We've had huge debates on religion, evolution, U.S. foreign policy, and plus this isn't the first thread on gays on lesbians.
Evolution? When?
Damn, I must have missed that:(
varg|hund: it was in the "religion and common sense" thread...but please god don't bring it back.

OT: i guess people like telling other people how to live their lives...and anyway i'm not really sure why people think homosexual unions/marriages (whatever you call them) are so detrimental to society...at least these people want to be married...the divorce rate among regular couples is huge :|
I think thats largely just because people get married for the wrong reason, plus they break up too easy because they arent willing truly commit and divorce is as simply as signing some paper. They have a few little arguments and thats it they break apart. They dont sort out their problems before hand.

As for gay marriages...Well to be honest i dont want them. Im not going to get drawn into a big long discussion about it.

Funny though, how "love is love" Because if you dont "believe" in anything like God, then surely must think love is simply chemical reactions? Its nothing, it means nothing, its just there to help procreation.

I dont see why men and women are "gay" just because they happen to be great friends. If the "practice" being gay, well then thats different. I just think that a lot of people are in it for lust rather than love. Its the pleasure of the act that, which to be honest doesnt exactly light my fire but ive been told it feels good.
well, unless you're gay, you won't understand the reasons why gay people want to get married, so the best thing is to shut the hell up for starters. i find the idea of being gay sick, but if gay people want to sort it out amongst themselves then let em, i'm not bothered because i don't understand it and i don't think i ever will, but i choose to be tolerant.

that's all i have to say about it.
... and while we're at it we should get rid of those damned blacks, jews, mexicans, etc. Honestly, who gave anyone the right to tell anyone that they are less valuable that any other person? Also, if you believe in such a loving and forgiving God then why can't he love and forgive gay people since, after all, he is the one that made them the way they are? None of the gay people I have known said that they just decided "you know what? I think I'm going to try being gay." It wasn't a choice for them. It's just whatever turns you on. It's not your fault if whatever that is happens to be different from the norm.

It would behoove everyone to get used to gay people... because they are going to be around for a long, long time.

I love hearing anti-gay statements coming from people that are breaking half of the commandments (not necessarily anyone here, but I have seen it many times before). After all your own bible says "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone."

The argument here isn't that gays should be allowed to have religious marriages. All they want is to be legally (which supposedly has nothing to do with religion) recognized as a married couple... and to have all the same benefits that regular married couples get.

this isn't the first thread on gays on lesbians
I didn't think there would be any gay on lesbian action (if by gay you mean homosexual and male) because... well... they're just not interested in each other.
Dedalus said:
well, unless you're gay, you won't understand the reasons why gay people want to get married, so the best thing is to shut the hell up for starters. i find the idea of being gay sick, but if gay people want to sort it out amongst themselves then let em, i'm not bothered because i don't understand it and i don't think i ever will, but i choose to be tolerant.

that's all i have to say about it.

Well i have a couple of gay friends so although no i am not myself gay i do have some insight into what they are like.

anti-gay ppl - Well, Nature made those things to fit into one another for a reason don't you think?

gay ppl - We can stick it wherever we want!!

I agree that ppl can have all the freedom they want. But homosexuality is a another way to change Nature's ways, and I disagree with any sort of continuing relationship between 2 ppl of the same sex.
If they just do it for pleasure, it's okey by me, but rejecting ppl that you were supposed to like on the beggining, not okey.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well i have a couple of gay friends so although no i am not myself gay i do have some insight into what they are like.

no no that wasn't directed at you! no, sorry if you took it personally or anything..it wasn't directed at your post..i just replied after reading the first page..sorry about that.
not28 said:
Because Americans are resistant to change?

That's so true...no offense *puts on a serious look*
I'm not against gay marriages, not at all and I can't see what's wrong in getting married if you're gay. Homosexuality is (almost) a natural thing, so why the hell not? If homosexuality wasn't suppose to happen then I guess "God" would have done something about it? I believe it's in the bible somewhere, but seriously, you have to just a little bit ****ed up if you live by the book.
The whole thing just strikes me as silly... there's no legitimate reason why homosexuals can't get legally married. That's it... it doesn't matter if you think it's disgusting or not!
Letters said:
The whole thing just strikes me as silly... there's no legitimate reason why homosexuals can't get married. That's it... it doesn't matter if you think it's disgusting or not!

Some priest: "I can't marry a gay couple becauuuuse....it's gay"
Dedalus said:
no no that wasn't directed at you! no, sorry if you took it personally or anything..it wasn't directed at your post..i just replied after reading the first page..sorry about that.

I didnt really take it harshly or anything, iu was just replying because i thought you might have directed it at me.

Anyway, im leaving this conversation before it gets ugly and repetetive....wait, it already has.
homosexuals = ok
homosexual marriage = against the christian basis of our country, and my personal beliefs.

thumbs up to civil unions though. the title of married in a christian sense is sort of despicable in a way. two men dont need to be married make the whoopie (baarrrrfffff), or to "love" each other. love is overrated anyway.
gh0st said:
homosexuals = ok
homosexual marriage = against the christian basis of our country, and my personal beliefs.

thumbs up to civil unions though. the title of married in a christian sense is sort of despicable in a way. two men dont need to be married make the whoopie (baarrrrfffff), or to "love" each other. love is overrated anyway.

Then why should a man and a woman get married? Is that wrong too?
If love is natural between a man and a woman then why not between two men or two women?
because its generally assumed that if you get married (male and female) that you will have kids, and the benefits you recieve from it are geared toward creating stable families economically and mentally.

you might say "but homosexuals will adopt". and i will say, great, thats what civil unions are for (under bush proposal).

i just dont want homosexual couples to get the title of "marriage" which has among it, many religious pretexts, which would conflict many, many times.
chu said:
it's icky...

I'm pretty confident that heterosexual couples do "icky" stuff too...

But I don't understand why people are against gay marriage. Simply because there is NO reason at all why it shouldn't be allowed, a sensible reason that is, not a religious one. But even from a religious point of view, doesn't your god or whatever tell you to accept, respect and love your fellow humans? And isn't that more important than your religion telling you a man and a woman should get married?
It can co-exist with religion, in ancient Greece, homosexuality was pretty normal and accepted.

I say, let people make their own decisions on what they want to do with their lives, I don't care unless they're bothering me with it. And I can't see why a gay marriage would bother you more than a straight marriage. I'm not gay myself, but I respect their choice, and I have nothing against people who are gay. Well, I accept their choice to love someone of their own sex, I just hate the queerish fag behaviour that sometimes comes with being gay. They give them a bad name, because most are pretty normal, and I'm pretty sure you couldn't tell by the looks of most persons if they're gay.

I think people who are against gay marriage for whatever reason are just narrowminded, unless you can give me a rational argument why it shouldn't be allowed. It won't destroy society, it's legal here and our society still exists.

Funny though, how "love is love" Because if you dont "believe" in anything like God, then surely must think love is simply chemical reactions? Its nothing, it means nothing, its just there to help procreation.

I know a car is nothing more than metal which runs on a mechanical process based on Newtons laws fueled by the bonding of certain carbonbondings with oxygen, but it doesn't make it any less beautifull. That love is a strictly chemical process is a proven fact, you can deny it but that's just sticking your head in the sand. Everything is procreation, and that isn't a cold harsh view of a bitter people hater, that's reality. For example, men like thin women, thin in the waist and bigger at the hips. It shows two things, that the woman isn't pregnant yet and you can still furtilize her, and a bigger butt (:P) means she has enough energy stored in fat to survive winters and raise the child that carries on your genes.
Big boobs also show the woman is capable of raising a child and that she's healthy and has good genes. It's called sexual selection, an often forgotten force behind evolution besides natural selection. This may sound harsh and cold, but it's just true, but it doesn't make a woman any less attractive right?
gh0st said:
because its generally assumed that if you get married (male and female) that you will have kids, and the benefits you recieve from it are geared toward creating stable families economically and mentally.

you might say "but homosexuals will adopt". and i will say, great, thats what civil unions are for (under bush proposal).

i just dont want homosexual couples to get the title of "marriage" which has among it, many religious pretexts, which would conflict many, many times.
so do married couples w/o children deserve none of the financial benefits of marriage? are you fine with it being called "civil unions" or something, but effectively being the same as marriage? to me, ppl who think it should be called something else (not saying this is you gh0st) apparently believe in the sanctity of a word, which is, imo, retarded.

clearly, there is no detriment to society. wouldn't a charitable christian 'turn the other cheek' if he/she was offended by the notion of homosexual marriage? i can't believe ppl have so much time on their hands that they could give two shits about this topic.. i mean live your own life and mind your own damn business.
Heterosexuals should have nothing to do with if gays will marry or not. If they can work it out let them, then they would perpose it like any other law and get it passed or rejected by the supreme court and then voted in as a prop in a state or make it government law. Easy as that.
religious people are really absent minded about things they know nothing about. Anything that it out of their league or they cannot touch, like civil rights, makes them angry and they tend to boast anything against it just because its not in the bible. The bible, hahahha, you stupid people are causing all sorts of problems throughout history, for once can u keep it to urself?!
gh0st said:
because its generally assumed that if you get married (male and female) that you will have kids, and the benefits you recieve from it are geared toward creating stable families economically and mentally.

you might say "but homosexuals will adopt". and i will say, great, thats what civil unions are for (under bush proposal).

i just dont want homosexual couples to get the title of "marriage" which has among it, many religious pretexts, which would conflict many, many times.

Well I still don't agree. Just because you're married doesn't mean that you absolutely have to get kids. I know a couple of families who are married and don't have kids.
I know it says in the bible that "Thou shall not have gay sex", but seriously, I don't know much about religion but how the hell did Adam's and Eve's kids get kids? Didn't they have to screw their mother or something? That's incest...is that much better than gay-marriage?
its the principle timmy. youre right, i dont particularly care about this topic, but as long as there is a topic on it i might as well say what i think.

and yeah, the whole turning the other cheek thing is pretty ignorant. gay marriage doesnt offend me, i just dont think its "correct". ok, my opinion.
Frank said:
Well I still don't agree. Just because you're married doesn't mean that you absolutely have to get kids. I know a couple of families who are married and don't have kids.
I know it says in the bible that "Thou shall not have gay sex", but seriously, I don't know much about religion but how the hell did Adam's and Eve's kids get kids? Didn't they have to screw their mother or something? That's incest...is that much better than gay-marriage?

1) the government does assume married couples will have children. its called statistics
2) the bible doesnt mention anything about gay sex. it mentions homosexuality, sex is only a part of it. ie assbanging is not in the bible
3) adam and eve is (generally) a jewish story. i dont believe in adam and eve for that same reason. its old, and at the time they didnt know any better.
gh0st said:
i just dont want homosexual couples to get the title of "marriage" which has among it, many religious pretexts, which would conflict many, many times.

Having religion control your country is stupid, look at all those Muslim (no offense) countries. Most of them are completely war-torn because of religion. Some of them aren't like that, but alot of them are. In the Bible, pre-marital sex is wrong, but you don't see it being made illegal, do you?. K, not exactly the best contrast, but it got the point across.
Frank said:
Well I still don't agree. Just because you're married doesn't mean that you absolutely have to get kids. I know a couple of families who are married and don't have kids.
I know it says in the bible that "Thou shall not have gay sex", but seriously, I don't know much about religion but how the hell did Adam's and Eve's kids get kids? Didn't they have to screw their mother or something? That's incest...is that much better than gay-marriage?

No you idgit. Eve was made from a bone that was taken out of Adam (sounds painful). Then they had kids who in turn had bones taken out of them to form a completely seperate pair of people with different DNA. These wholey new people had kids then the kids had bones taken out of them to form a new group of people with different DNA and so on. I just made all that up.

Oh yeah it's also a Jewish story so don't take it seriousley. If it were a christian story you should believe it.
/me reads through the thread and sighs..

Can I just remind a few of you, if you haven't anything useful to say and feel the need to verbally attack people who's views you don't happen to agree with, can you do it in a mature fashion without resorting to abuse? and not lower yourself to that of a child. Please?

And before anyone feels the need to get on their high horse. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, not everyone is going to agree with it. But reading through some of your posts I have to wonder where some of you get off being so high and mighty thinking your right and their the scum of the earth. Keep it clean and mature or I'll start handing out warnings like their going out of fashion, we'll have absolutely NO racism or homophobia on this site. If you don't agree with it, thats fine, but please make your point without putting them down, their human beings just like you.
fizzlephox said:
Oh yeah it's also a Jewish story so don't take it seriousley. If it were a christian story you should believe it.

what the hell are you talking about? i dont believe it because im not JEWISH. and yeah, myself being christian, i do believe christian stories. just not that one.

i meant in the same reason that he gave... the whole inbreeding thing.
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